Držáky a stativy
Silikonová podložka s velmi silnou přilnavostí i na šikmých plochách. Podložka má rozměry 11 x 18 cm s výšku okraje 1 cm. Plocha pro umístění předmětů má rozměry 10 x 17 cm a zajišťuje umístěné předměty před samovolným sklouznutím. Podložku využijete nejen ve vozidle, ale i doma, či v kanceláři pro umístění telefonu, klíčů, zapalovače a dalších drobností.Použitý materiál zároveň zajišťuje snadné a rychlé číštění. Technická data materiálsilikonodkládací plocha10 x 17 cmrozměry podložky11 x 18 x 1 cm
172 Kč
Držák, s extra silnou přísavkou, pro uchycení telefonu až do šířky (nebo výšky) 10 cm. Šířku lze zvětšit stisknutím bočního tlačítka, telefon se poté umístí do držáku a ten se poté zajistí stiskem čelistí. Díky uzamykatelnému otáčení o 360° a flexibilnímu ramenu držáku, je možné snadno nastavit vhodnou polohu telefonu. Telefon v klipsu pevně drží díky důmyslnému mechanismu, proti poškrábání je upnutý telefon chráněn pěnovými prvky. Technická data pro telefony do 10 cm (šířka nebo výška) nastavitelný úhel ano, 360° upevnění přísavka s aretací barva černá
159 Kč
Univerzální držák telefonu řady LUKE pro upevnění do mřížky ventilace a umístěním telefonu jednou rukou. Držák je opatřen gravitačním systémem uchycení telefonu, kdy telefon svojí vahou působí na spodní rameno držáku, díky čemuž se stáhnou boční ramena, která telefon upevní. Tělo držáku je dále opatřeno kloubem s aretačním prstencem, díky kterému je možné držák nastavit pro potřebný sledovací úhel a dotažením zajistit. Držák lze navíc rozšířit, co do možnosti uchycení, dokoupením některé z nabízených patek řady LUKE (06321 s aretací do mřížky, 06322 klipovou patku, s aretací pomocí přísavky 06323 s nastavitelným, 06324 pevným, ale i 06325 ohebným ramenem). Technická data Vhodné pro telefonydo 6,5" (šířka 65-95 mm)Umístěnímřížka ventilaceUchycení telefonugravitační systémOtáčeníkloubem s aretacíBarvatmavě šedá
159 Kč
Univerzální držák telefonu řady LUKE pro upevnění do mřížky ventilace a umístěním telefonu jednou rukou. Držák je opatřen gravitačním systémem uchycení telefonu, kdy telefon svojí vahou působí na spodní rameno držáku, díky čemuž se stáhnou boční ramena, která telefon upevní. Tělo držáku je dále opatřeno kloubem s aretačním prstencem, díky kterému je možné držák nastavit pro potřebný sledovací úhel a dotažením zajistit. Držák lze navíc rozšířit, co do možnosti uchycení, dokoupením některé z nabízených patek držáků řady LUKE (06321 s aretací do mřížky, 06322 klipovou patku, s aretací pomocí přísavky 06323 s nastavitelným, 06324 pevným, ale i 06325 ohebným ramenem). Technická data Vhodné pro telefonydo 6,5" (šířka 65-95 mm)Umístěnímřížka ventilaceUchycení telefonugravitační systémOtáčeníkloubem s aretacíBarvazelená
159 Kč
Speciální nastavitelná patka s teleskopickým ramenem a přísavkou pro držáky telefonů řady LUKE. Patka je složena z masivní přísavky a úhlově nastavitelného, teleskopického ramene s šroubovacím zajištěním pozice. Pro lepší schopnost přísavky je v balení umístěna i samolepící podložka s průměrem 72 mm. Rameno lze nastavit v úhlu 180° a teleskopicky lze nastavit délku 11-16 cm. Zakončení patky je opatřeno kloubem, na který lze upevnit libovolný LUKE držák telefonu.
151 Kč
Praktický držák telefonu s nastavitelným ramenem a pogumovanými čelistmi pro upevnění.Do držáku je možné umístit telefon šíře 6,5 - 10 cm a je připevněn na kulovém kloubu jištěném maticí. Po povolení matice je možné nastavit libovolný sledovací úhel.Konstrukce je tvořena nastavitelným ramenem opatřeným dvěma klouby s ovládáním pomocí tlačítek. Tvar ramene lze jednoduše nastavit stisknutím tlačítek kloubů a uvolněním v požadované pozici, kde bude následně pevně aretován.Komplet držáku lze uchytit například na tyč hlavové opěrky, na zpětné zrcátko, na stůl a další podklady max. šíře/průměr 25 mm. Čelisti jsou opatřené gumovými vložkami, které brání poškození povrchu. Pro pevné uchycení pak slouží aretační prstenec ve spodní části, kde je navíc umístěn otočný prvek pro otáčení celého kompletu držáku.Technická datapro telefony (šířka)6,5 – 10 cmnastavitelný úhelano, 360°upevněnípomocí čelistí, max 25 mm
149 Kč
Držák telefonu s extra silnou přísavkou a klipsem pro uchycení telefonu či navigace až do šířky (nebo výšky) 10 cm. Díky možnosti otáčení o 360° je možné snadno nastavit vhodnou polohu. Telefon v klipsu pevně drží pomocí silné pružiny, a proti pohybu je zajištěn pomocí protiskluzové vrstvy uvnitř klipsu.
148 Kč
Držák pro telefon k upevnění na opěrku hlavy.Rozsah úchytu pro telefon 5 - 9 cm. Díky těmto rozměrům, je možné použít tento držák pro většinu mobilních telefonů na trhu.Držák telefonu lze díky vysouvacímu ramenu úhlově nastavit a lze jím otáčet okolo osy tyčky hlavové opěrky. Držák lze na hlavové opěrce zajistit pomocí vrchního otočného prstence. Ovládání a sledování obrazu mobilního telefonu na zadním sedadle bude snadné a pohodlné i na dlouhých cestách. Držák je navíc opatřen výstupkem pro možnost uchycení tašky s lehkým obsahem. Technická data rozsah úchytu telefonu5-9 cmnastavitelný úhelano, pomocí rameneotočnéanozajištěníano, prstencem
129 Kč
Univerzální držák telefonu řady LUKE pro upevnění do mřížky ventilace a umístěním telefonu jednou rukou. Držák je opatřen gravitačním systémem uchycení telefonu, kdy telefon svojí vahou působí na spodní rameno držáku, díky čemuž se stáhnou boční ramena, která telefon upevní. Tělo držáku je dále opatřeno kloubem s aretačním prstencem, díky kterému je možné držák nastavit pro potřebný sledovací úhel a dotažením zajistit. Držák lze navíc rozšířit, co do možnosti uchycení, dokoupením některé z nabízených patek držáků řady LUKE (06321 s aretací do mřížky, 06322 klipovou patku, s aretací pomocí přísavky 06323 s nastavitelným, 06324 pevným, ale i 06325 ohebným ramenem). Technická data Vhodné pro telefonydo 6,5" (šířka 65-95 mm)Umístěnímřížka ventilaceUchycení telefonugravitační systémOtáčeníkloubem s aretacíBarvarůžově zlatá
105 Kč
Jedinečná podložka s velmi silnou přilnavostí, i na velmi šikmých plochách pevně drží a zajišťuje různé předměty před samovolným sklouznutím. Vysoké bočnice zadrží i rozměrnější předměty. Jedinečný tvar s výřezy na stranách umožňuje umístit telefon jako do držáku. Díky výřezům v horní i dolní části je možné položit telefon i s napájecím kabelem tak, že bočnice nepřekážejí.Pokud podložka časem díky prachu ztratí svou přilnavost, stačí ji jen omýt vlažnou vodou se saponátem a efekt přilnavosti bude obnoven.technická data: rozměry vnější10 x 15 x 2 cmrozměry vnitřní76 x 129 mmbarvačerná
78 Kč
Speciální patka do mřížky ventilace pro držáky telefonů řady LUKE. Patka je složena ze dvou dílů. Háček jištěný posuvným členem s pružinou, pro zaháknutí za mřížku ventilace a samotný kloub s podpěrnou částí. Tyto díly stačí jednoduše zacvaknout do sebe a umístit na své místo. Tělo patky je dále opatřeno kloubem, na který lze upevnit libovolný LUKE držák telefonu.
43 Kč
Podložka se silnou přilnavostí, na šikmých plochách pevně drží a zajišťuje různé předměty před samovolným sklouznutím. Pokud podložka časem díky prachu ztratí svou přilnavost, stačí ji jen omýt vlažnou vodou se saponátem a původní přilnavosti se obnoví.Technická data velikost20 x 22 cmbarvačerná
28 Kč
A car holder with wireless charging. Automatically detects which smartphone is placed in the holder to ensure maximum watts of charge. Intelligent infrared sensor detects the phone, thanks to which the holder automatically closes. The firm fit ensures stabilization and safety of the phone even on uneven roads. After inserting, the wireless charging process will start, which can reach 15W. The holder will automatically detect which smartphone is placed in the holder to ensure maximum watts of charge. Supports Android fast charging up to 10W/15W. Can be charged in a case. LED backlight on the frame informing about the charging status. Large 360 ??degree adjustment range. The triangular design of the device allows for full phone stabilization. Soft silicone in the contact areas with the phone for the safety of devices. The set includes a double mounting system for a ventilation grille or cockpit / glass. Specification: Finish: PC, silicone Type of fastening: clamping Place of installation: air conditioning grille / cockpit / glass Compatibility: devices with a width of 55-92 mm Power: 5W 7.5W 10W 15W
689 Kč
The Forcell HS4 car holder mounted to the air vent is designed for devices that support inductive charging, including the latest foldable Samsung Z Flip and Fold phone series. It allows you to charge them with a power of up to 15 W. The rotating swivel and automatically extending arms (after pressing a button) make it easy to mount the smartphone. Thanks to the Forcell holder, you will always have your phone at hand during any trip. Mount the device vertically or horizontally thanks to the 360° swivel and automatically extendable arms (after pressing a button). Strong clamps and bottom legs keep the smartphone stable even during dynamic driving. Various adjustment options make it easy to adjust the holder to your own needs, which will be useful when several drivers share one car. The Forcell holder is suitable for both standard smartphones and those foldable from the latest Samsung Z Fold and Flip series. Moreover, it is mounted to the air vent, minimizing visibility problems and thus increasing safety while driving. At the same time, it supports wireless charging with a maximum power of 15 W. The set includes the 1 m charging cable with USB-C connectors. Specification:Mounting: air ventInput voltage: 5 V/2 A; 9 V/2 APower: 5 W/7.5 W/10 W/15 W (max.)Wireless charging distance: 6 mm (max.)Interface: USB-CCable: USB-C to USB-C (1 m)
661 Kč
Automatic car holder with wireless charging and an infrared sensor. Automatically opens and closes the arms. Supports inductive charging. Thanks to the built-in infrared sensor, the holder automatically recognizes the device when it is close to the accessory (5-20 cm), and then automatically opens and closes the arms when the phone is inside. The holder supports fast wireless charging. For devices that do not support inductive charging technology, use the supplied magnetic tips. The product has a built-in protection system: against overvoltage, overheating, magnetic field, short circuit. Mounted on the air vent or windshield. Specification: Model identifier: HS1 Material: PC, ABS Input: 5V / 2A, 9V / 1.67A Output: 5V / 1.5A, 9V / 1.2A Power: 15W, 10W, 7.5W, 5W depending on the phone model Charging frequency: ?80% 110K-205K Hz Charging efficiency:> 72% Charging distance: < 10mm Support: Qi wireless charging Arm spacing: 4.7"-7.2" Dimensions: 130 * 65 * 24 mm Cable length: 100 cm Weight: 97 g Place of installation: air vent, windshield
564 Kč
Automatic car holder with wireless charging and an infrared sensor. Automatically opens and closes the arms. Supports inductive charging. Thanks to the built-in infrared sensor, the holder automatically recognizes the device when it is close to the accessory (5-20 cm), and then automatically opens and closes the arms when the phone is inside. The holder supports fast wireless charging. For devices that do not support inductive charging technology, use the supplied magnetic tips. The product has a built-in protection system: against overvoltage, overheating, magnetic field, short circuit. Mounted on the air vent or windshield. Specification: Model identifier: HS1 Material: PC, ABS Input: 5V / 2A, 9V / 1.67A Output: 5V / 1.5A, 9V / 1.2A Power: 15W, 10W, 7.5W, 5W depending on the phone model Charging frequency: ?80% 110K-205K Hz Charging efficiency:> 72% Charging distance: < 10mm Support: Qi wireless charging Arm spacing: 4.7"-7.2" Dimensions: 130 * 65 * 24 mm Cable length: 100 cm Weight: 97 g Place of installation: air vent, windshield
564 Kč
A gravitational car holder with a telescopic arm for a windshield, cockpit, board or other flat surface. The automatic mechanism allows easy and quick one-handed operation. Compatible with phones with a width of 65-82 mm. Due to the gravitational technology, the handle clamps automatically under the weight of the device inserted into it. A strong clamp ensures stabilization and safety of the phone even on a very difficult road. It does not require service every time you put down the phone or want to take it. You don't need to press any buttons or use your hands to stretch it. Thanks to the triangular mounting structure and the non-scratching silicone protection mat, the phone can be held firmly and securely while traveling. 360-degree adjustment allows you to set the phone in any position, depending on our convenience and preferences. The handle can be used many times. Before changing the place of installation, it is enough to rinse the suction cup with water, wait for it to dry and reattach. The holder has a dedicated hole for the charger cable, which you can easily connect while on the road. Thanks to its compact size and free choice of mounting, the handle does not distract and does not obstruct the view, ensuring full visibility. Specification: Material: Aluminum + ABS Type of assembly: clamping, gravity Weight: 192 g Mounting: suction cup (dashboard or windshield) Compatibility: phones with a width of 65-82 mm
260 Kč
The Forcell Chrom III car holder is a practical accessory that will allow you to comfortably and safely use a smartphone while driving. Extendable clamps with wide spacing and a long arm with 360° rotation enable adjustment to individual needs. A 2-in-1 product with air vent and windshield mounting. Solid supportThanks to the Forcell holder, you will always have your phone close at hand during the ride. Its arms with the release button let you put the device in or out. The durable construction enables mounting the device vertically or horizontally—charging and headphone inputs will remain uncovered so you can use them comfortably the whole way through. Strong clamps will keep the smartphone in a stable position even during dynamic driving, and the soft foam protects your device from scratches. A good fitVarious adjustment options make it easy to adapt the holder to your own needs. It will prove helpful when sharing one car with several drivers. The arms spacing is so broad (40–110 mm) that you can easily attach smartphones or navigations of various sizes to it. The bottom legs will prevent the device from accidentally slipping. The long arm with 360° rotation allows you to turn the holder to obtain the right angle for your eyesight. Follow the navigation, scroll notifications, or switch songs on the screen in total safety for both yourself and the passengers. Easy mountingMade of a high-quality plastic holder that has chrome, aesthetic inserts gives you several mounting options. Thanks to the adjustable arm and the suction cup reinforced with an additional clamp, it can be placed on the windshield or on the smooth surface of the dashboard. However, if you want to minimize possible problems with visibility and thus increase safety, it is enough to dismount the arm from the holder and then place it in the air vent. In both cases, a solid clamping guarantees that the device will stay in place and not be damaged even on very bumpy roads. Specification:Color: BlackInstallation: Suction cup (windshield or smooth surface on the dashboard) and air ventArm spacing: 40–110 mmArm length: 150 mm
259 Kč
The Forcell Oval car holder is a practical accessory that will allow you to comfortably and safely use a smartphone while driving. Extendable clamps with wide spacing and a long arm, flexible arm enable adjustment to individual needs. A 2-in-1 product with air vent and windshield mounting. Solid supportThanks to the Forcell holder, you will always have your phone close at hand during the ride. Its arms with the release button let you put the device in or out. The durable oval construction enables mounting the device vertically—charging and headphone inputs will remain uncovered so you can use them comfortably the whole way through. Strong clamps will keep the smartphone in a stable position even during dynamic driving, and the soft foam protects your device from scratches. A good fitVarious adjustment options make it easy to adapt the holder to your own needs. It will prove helpful when sharing one car with several drivers. The arms spacing is so broad (38–107 mm) that you can easily attach smartphones or navigations of various sizes to it. The bottom legs will prevent the device from accidentally slipping. A very long arm (27 cm) allows you to set the holder at eye level. Follow the navigation, scroll notifications, or switch songs on the screen in total safety for both yourself and the passengers. Easy mountingMade of a high-quality plastic holder gives you several mounting options. Thanks to the adjustable arm and the suction cup reinforced with an additional clamp, it can be placed on the windshield or on the smooth surface of the dashboard. However, if you want to minimize possible problems with visibility and thus increase safety, it is enough to dismount the arm from the holder and then place it in the air vent. In both cases, a solid clamping guarantees that the device will stay in place and not be damaged even on very bumpy roads. Specification:Color: BlackInstallation: Suction cup (windshield or smooth surface on the dashboard) and air ventArm spacing: 38–107 mmArm length: 270 mm The offer also includes a model with a 17 cm long arm and a model with mounting only to the air vent.
259 Kč
Magnetic car holder with adjustable arm. It allows for comfortable and safe use of a smartphone while driving. Mounted on the windshield or dashboard. 6 built-in magnets ensure a secure grip and make the handle extremely universal; to use it, just place the metal plate on the phone or a case. Adjustable angle of inclination of 240° allows you to adjust the parameters of the product to your own needs. An adjustable arm with a length of 11.7-16 cm enables precise adjustment of the position of the device within the line of sight. 360° rotation to change the position of the device for the convenience of its use, vertically or horizontally. A strong suction cup with a sticky gel ensures a stable fit on flat surfaces such as the windshield or dashboard. Set of two metal plates included.
259 Kč
The Forcell Regular car holder is a practical accessory that will allow you to comfortably and safely use a smartphone while driving. Extendable clamps with wide spacing and a 17 cm long arm enable adjustment to individual needs. A 2-in-1 product with air vent and windshield mounting. Solid supportThanks to the Forcell holder, you will always have your phone close at hand during the ride. Its arms with the release button let you put the device in or out. The durable construction enables mounting the device vertically—charging and headphone inputs will remain uncovered so you can use them comfortably the whole way through. Strong clamps will keep the smartphone in a stable position even during dynamic driving, and the soft foam protects your device from scratches. A good fitVarious adjustment options make it easy to adapt the holder to your own needs. It will prove helpful when sharing one car with several drivers. The arms spacing is so broad (38–107 mm) that you can easily attach smartphones or navigations of various sizes to it. Folding bottom legs will prevent the device from accidentally slipping. A long arm (17 cm) allows you to set the holder at eye level. Follow the navigation, scroll notifications, or switch songs on the screen in total safety for both yourself and the passengers. Easy mountingMade of a high-quality plastic holder gives you several mounting options. Thanks to the adjustable arm and the suction cup reinforced with an additional clamp, it can be placed on the windshield or on the smooth surface of the dashboard. However, if you want to minimize possible problems with visibility and thus increase safety, it is enough to dismount the arm from the holder and then place it in the air vent. In both cases, a solid clamping guarantees that the device will stay in place and not be damaged even on very bumpy roads. Specification:Color: BlackInstallation: Suction cup (windshield or smooth surface on the dashboard) and air ventArm spacing: 38–107 mmArm length: 170 mm The offer also includes a model with a 27 cm long arm and a model with mounting only to the air vent.
243 Kč
The Forcell Oval car holder is a practical accessory that will allow you to comfortably and safely use a smartphone while driving. Extendable clamps with wide spacing and a 17 cm long arm enable adjustment to individual needs. A 2-in-1 product with air vent and windshield mounting. Solid supportThanks to the Forcell holder, you will always have your phone close at hand during the ride. Its arms with the release button let you put the device in or out. The durable oval construction enables mounting the device vertically—charging and headphone inputs will remain uncovered so you can use them comfortably the whole way through. Strong clamps will keep the smartphone in a stable position even during dynamic driving, and the soft foam protects your device from scratches. A good fitVarious adjustment options make it easy to adapt the holder to your own needs. It will prove helpful when sharing one car with several drivers. The arms spacing is so broad (38–107 mm) that you can easily attach smartphones or navigations of various sizes to it. The bottom legs will prevent the device from accidentally slipping. A long arm (17 cm) allows you to set the holder at eye level. Follow the navigation, scroll notifications, or switch songs on the screen in total safety for both yourself and the passengers. Easy mountingMade of a high-quality plastic holder gives you several mounting options. Thanks to the adjustable arm and the suction cup reinforced with an additional clamp, it can be placed on the windshield or on the smooth surface of the dashboard. However, if you want to minimize possible problems with visibility and thus increase safety, it is enough to dismount the arm from the holder and then place it in the air vent. In both cases, a solid clamping guarantees that the device will stay in place and not be damaged even on very bumpy roads. Specification:Color: BlackInstallation: Suction cup (windshield or smooth surface on the dashboard) and air ventArm spacing: 38–107 mmArm length: 170 mm The offer also includes a model with a 27 cm long arm and a model with mounting only to the air vent.
226 Kč
FORCELL CARBON H-CT322 car holder for the dashboard. It is a magnetic phone holder that increases the comfort of travel and makes using the phone easy and safe. 6 built-in magnets provide a firm grip, preventing the smartphone from falling out, and make the holder extremely universal; to use it, just place a metal plate on the phone or case. 360° rotation allows you to precisely adjust the position of the phone to your needs, horizontally or vertically. Cable clip allows you to place the cable in it so that it does not get tangled and does not interfere with your travels. Extremely compact: the small size of the product does not block the view to the road and makes it easy to store when not in use. Two metal plates included.
217 Kč
Magnetic car holder for the air vent. It allows comfortable and safe use of a smartphone while driving. Small size does not block visibility. 6 built-in magnets ensure a secure grip and make the handle extremely universal; to use it, just place the metal plate on the phone or a case. 360° rotation ensures precise adjustment of the phone position to your own needs. Extremely compact: the small size of the product ensures good visibility and makes it easy to store when not in use. Two metal plates included.
217 Kč
Magnetic car holder for the ar vent - FORCELL CARBON B060. It allows for comfortable and safe use of a smartphone while driving. Built-in 4 magnets provide a firm grip, preventing the device from falling out while driving, and makes the handle extremely universal; to use it, place a metal plate on the device or a case. Compact size does not block visibility and makes it easy to store the product when not in use. Silicone inserts prevent scratching the air vent and protect the handle from falling out even on uneven roads. Set of two metal plates included.
217 Kč
Elegant gravity air vent car holder. Curved tempered glass panel gives them a futuristic design. Easy to one-hand operation. Thanks to the auto clip, you only have to put the phone inside and the clips automatically suit to your phone. Wide clips offer a steady grip without phone shaking. The inner clip is protected with silicone material that can prevent minor scratches on the phone cover. The holder is fully adjustable - offers full 360 view with easy 90 horizontal and vertical angle rotations. Easy access to home button and charging port makes easy charging them during travel. Key features: - gravity technology (auto clip) - triangular anti-shock design - 360-degree full viewing angle - taking/ placing with one hand - elastic silicone soft pads Specification: Install way: air outlet (compatible with 98% of car air vent types) Material: glass + aluminium alloy Size: 9,8 x 5,2 x 3,2 cm Weight: 85 g Technology: Oxidation Compatibility: devices with 4-6 inches screens and 1,1 cm thickness max Package type: box
208 Kč
Practical car holder designed to be mounted on the windshield or cockpit. It has an elegant design - the carbon motif makes your interior car luxurious.Universal useThe handle has a wide arm spacing (50-85 mm) and comes with devices with screen sizes from 3"- 6";.Highly adjustableThe handle has a 360 degree adjustment. Use the phone or navigate vertically or horizontally - as you like!Stable mountingThe handle is attached with a suction cup, which additionally has a locking clip. You can mount it to the windshield or the smooth surface of the dashboard. Silicone tabs protects against slipping out. The clamp release button makes it easy to remove the phone from the holder.Modern designThe Forcell HT1 handle is an accessory reminiscent of the futuristic carbon fiber. It looks great with the interior of a modern car.Features:Place of installation: windshield or dashboardRotation: 360 degreesCompatibility: 3"-6" devices
201 Kč
Motorbike holder with baffle. Fastened with a zipper. It ensures the safety of using the smartphone while riding a motorcycle or scooter. Mounted to the motorcycle frame. The product is compatible with 4.8-5.5″ mobile devices. Waterproof – allows you to use your smartphone in difficult conditions, protecting the device from moisture and flooding. Fastened with a zipper facilitates quick installation of the device in the holder. Damage resistant material reduces the risk of damage and scratches. Equipped with a baffle to protect against the sun for good visibility of the smartphone screen. Available in three sizes: 4.8-5.5″, 5.5-6.3″, 6.4-8.0″. Specification:Material: aluminum + iron + rubber + ABS + PVC + EVACompatibility: with 4.8-5.5″ mobile devices
199 Kč
FORCELL CARBON H-CF509 car holder for the air vent. It allows you to safely use your smartphone while driving. The unique roller system allows easy one-handed operation. Built-in rollers allow you to easily mount the device in the holder with only one hand. 360° rotation allows you to adjust the position of the device to the individual needs, vertically or horizontally. Silicone inserts prevent scratching the delicate casing of the device and prevent it from falling out. The adjustable knob allows you to increase or decrease the tightness of two small "clips" connecting the handle with the air vent, so we can be sure that the device will not fall out, no matter what the road is. The unique design with a carbon pattern makes the product look very elegant. Universal: the product is compatible with 4"-6.5" mobile devices.
194 Kč
Universal car holder for a smartphone. Can be mounted to the windshield or dashboard. The handle allows convenient use of, among others smartphone navigation while traveling. Extendable clamps, a long adjustable arm with 360 degrees of rotation, and positioning the smartphone vertically or horizontally allow you to adjust your smartphone to individual needs. Convenient installation on the windshield or dashboard does not limit visibility while driving. Specification: Model: ZP-X0566Compatibility: devices with 4.7–6.8" screenArm spacing: 54.0–94.9 mmInstallation: windshield, dashboard (suction cup)Material: PC + ABS + steel + siliconeWeight: 280 g
193 Kč
Gravity car holder. It allows you to comfortably operate your smartphone while driving. The product is extremely versatile and smoothly adapts to the shape of the device. Attached to the air vent. Made of high-quality components: aluminum, silicone and ABS, it ensures long-term and safe use, and is also resistant to damage. The compact design makes the product easy to store and does not block visibility. After removing the device, the holder returns to its original shape, but after placing the phone in it, its structure stretches and adjusts to the shape of the smartphone, providing a solid support point for the device. Anti-shock, modern design affects the comfortable use of the phone or navigation. A strong clamp ensures a stable fixation and protects against falling out. Specification: Material: ABS + aluminum alloy + silicone Size: 115 * 44 * 90 mm Weight: 47 g Suitable for: 4.5-7 inch mobile phones (width: 64-85 mm) Place of installation: air vent
162 Kč
Gravity car mount to the air outlet. Perfect for devices with a width of 63mm to 88mm and a thickness of up to 11mm. 360-degree adjustment and easy assembly makes trouble free in daily use. Horizontal Flat Structure: The horizontal telescopic design will extend automatically when putting down a phone and retract when picking it up. Gravity Ganged: The clamp extends and retracts automatically with the gravity of a phone and firmly fixes the phone. Metal Design: The new bright matte metal is unfading, beautiful and more durable. Not Block Air Outlets: It is applicable to all types of vehicles without blocking the vision and air outlets, plug-and-play. Rubber caps on the jaws to ensure a solid installation without scratching the air outlet. The set includes stickers that you can use to decorate the handle. Features:Material: PC +TPEFixing: air outletCompatibility: devices with a width of 63mm to 88mm and a thickness of up to 11mm.
151 Kč
Magnetic car holder for the air vent. It allows for comfortable use of a smartphone while driving. The built-in magnet provides a firm grip, preventing the device from falling out while driving, and makes the holder extremely universal; to use it, just place a metal plate on the device or a case. The compact size does not block visibility and makes the holder easy to store when not in use. Silicone inserts prevent the air vent from scratching. Specification: Material: ABS + silicone + metal alloy + magnet Size: 41 * 38 * 73mm Weight: 34.2 g Load capacity: 700 g Place of installation: air vent
149 Kč
Magnetic car holder designed for mounting to the air vent. It allows you to safely use your smartphone while driving. Universal: just install a thin metal plate between the phone and the phone housing to use the product. High magnetic force provides a firm grip, preventing the device from falling out. Small size does not block visibility and prevents the product from taking up a lot of space. Specification:Material: PC + ABS + siliconeSize: 64 * 42 * 61 mmWeight: 49 g
145 Kč
Universal car holder with modern design and high functionality. It allows to use the phone easily and it ensures security of the driver and the passengers. Adjustable handle permits to put it on the most optimal place for drivers. This holder is made of high quality material, which guarantee durability and comfort of using. The set includes adjustable arm with a strong suction cup, which lets it be fastened to the screen or the dashboard. The suction cup is reusable: you should only wash it and use again. Colour: Black
138 Kč
Ensure a safe ride with the car gravity holder Bad Bear. The wide arm spacing guarantees compatibility with many devices, and a 360° rotation enables adjustment to individual needs. The built-in legs prevent the device from accidentally slipping. Mounting to the air vent. The durable, triangular construction enables mounting the device vertically—side buttons, charging and headphone inputs will remain uncovered so you can use them comfortably the whole way through. Strong clamps and bottom legs keep the smartphone stable even during dynamic driving. A 360° rotation allows you to turn the holder to obtain the right angle for your eyesight and follow the navigation, scroll notifications, or switch songs on the screen in total safety for both yourself and the passengers. Made of a high-quality ABS, aluminum alloy, and silicon holder ensures durability and comfort of use. A solid clamping to the air vent guarantees that the device will stay in place and not be damaged even on bumpy roads. Specification:Color: BlackMaterial: ABS + SiliconWeight: 50 gSize: 120 × 112 × 49 mmCompatibility: Devices 4–7"Adjustment: 360° rotationMounting place: Air vent
137 Kč
A modern car holder with a double fixing, mounted to the air vent. It can be rotated freely - using the screen horizontally or vertically. Compact size, 360-degree adjustment and easy installation. Strong high strength spring steel inside keeps your phone safe and stable. A special design eliminates the noise - so annoying in the gravity handles. Thanks to its compact size and mounting on the air vent, the handle does not distract and does not obstruct the view, ensuring full visibility. The special design allows it to be attached to a horizontal, vertical or diagonal ventilation hole. The contact point with the phone has a soft silicone pad for the best protection of the device. The accessory is stable and well held. It does not leave any traces, scratches or splinters. Made of high-quality aluminum alloy resistant to oxidation, corrosion and durable in use, it ensures reliable durability of the accessory. Specification: Material: ABS, Aluminum, Silicone Type of assembly: clamped Mounting: air vent Compatibility: phones 4.7'' - 6.5'' (55-84 mm wide)
127 Kč
Magnetic car holder designed for mounting to the dashboard. It allows you to safely use your smartphone while driving. Made of high quality materials, provides resistance to damage and long-term use. Universal: just install a thin metal plate between the phone and the phone housing to use the product. High magnetic force provides a firm grip, preventing the device from falling out. Small size does not block visibility and prevents the product from taking up a lot of space. Specification:Mounting: dashboardMaterial: ABS + PC + siliconeSize: 185 x 75 x 125 mmWeight: 170 g
116 Kč
Magnetic car holder designed for mounting to the dashboard. It allows you to safely use your smartphone while driving. Made of high quality materials, provides resistance to damage and long-term use. Universal: just install a thin metal plate between the phone and the phone housing to use the product. High magnetic force provides a firm grip, preventing the device from falling out. Small size does not block visibility and prevents the product from taking up a lot of space. Specification:Mounting: dashboardMaterial: ABS + PC + siliconeSize: 185 x 75 x 125 mmWeight: 170 g
116 Kč
Compact magnetic car holder mounted to the dashboard. Makes it easier to use smartphone navigation while driving. Universal: in order to take advantage of the magnetic properties of the holder, you just need to put a metal plate on the device or its case. Made of durable materials, it guarantees resistance to damage, allowing the user to enjoy the product's capabilities for longer. Small size does not block visibility, and also makes it easy to put it in the glove box after the trip. Built-in magnet provides a firm grip, stabilizing the device while driving on uneven surfaces.
115 Kč
Compact HOCO car holder mounted to the ventilation grille. Full rotation allows you to adjust the position of the phone to individual needs. The handle has an adjustable arm and is compatible with most phones on the market. The maximum display size is 5.5" (equivalent to the iPhone 6 Plus). The handle has the ability to rotate 360 degrees, which allows you to set it in any position convenient for the user. Installation on a ventilation grille does not limit the visibility of the driver, nor does it impede the air flow from the grille.
111 Kč
Universal car holder for mobile phones and other devices with the place where any photo can be put. Thanks to the solid construction it ensures safe using during the driving. The holder has a flexible arch (17 cm) and a suction cup fixing it to the glass. It let you regulate stiff side, adapting it to the size of the device. The place for a photo, makes it unique and original, allows to personalize the device.
97 Kč