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MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A32 5G mandala green 445765
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO s lisovaným vzorem mandaly nebo stromu. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není lakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uschovat karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A32 LTE ( 4G ) hnědá 104830
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A32 LTE ( 4G ) zelená 104831
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A32 LTE ( 4G ) tree rose gold 445812
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO s lisovaným vzorem mandaly nebo stromu. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není lakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uschovat karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A32 LTE ( 4G ) mandala rose gold 445814
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO s lisovaným vzorem mandaly nebo stromu. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není lakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uschovat karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10 / 10 2022 dreamcatcher purple 585370
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

Forcell TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG Galaxy A33 5G černá 105472
do týdne

Pouzdro Forcell TENDER. Vyrobeno z měkkého, na dotek příjemného materiálu. Vybaveno třemi kapsami na bankovky a doklady. Upevnění na magnet. Pouzdro Forcell TENDER poskytuje plnou ochranu zařízení, zajišťuje nejen jeho záda, ale i obrazovku. Vestavěná spona na magnet zabraňuje náhodnému otevření pouzdra a udržuje váš telefon v bezpečí. Tři vnitřní kapsy, viditelné po otevření klopy, umožňují bezpečné uložení dokumentů a bankovek. Díky perforaci na ohybu se pouzdro složí do polohy TV stojanu. Jedná se o pohodlný stojan, který usnadňuje sledování filmů. Instalace pouzdra je extrémně jednoduchá: flexibilní vložka umožňuje snadné umístění telefonu. Speciální podšívka uvnitř vložky zabraňuje poškrábání zařízení. Materiál: eko kůže

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A33 5G tree green 450527
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A33 5G mandala green 450529
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A13 4G tree green 450531
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A13 4G mandala rose gold 450534
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A13 4G dreamcatcher purple 581300
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G dreamcatcher purple 581298
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G tree green 450523
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G mandala green 450525
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A53 5G mandala rose gold 450526
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 11 / 11S dreamcatcher green 581823
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G brown 591307
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C dreamcatcher purple 581565
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO se vzorem lisované mandaly nebo lapače snů. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není nalakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uschovat karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 10C mandala rose gold 581568
do týdne

Pouzdro MEZZO s lisovaným vzorem mandaly nebo stromu. Můžete v něm uchovávat karty a bankovky; má speciální kapsy na doklady. Díky připojenému provázku vám umožní mít zařízení stále nablízku. Upevnění na magnet. Vzor pouzdra MEZZO na rozdíl od většiny pouzder tohoto typu není nalakovaný ani potištěný, ale nalisovaný na materiál lisem, díky čemuž je odolný, neotírá se a povrch pouzdra se vyznačuje měkký, nerovný povrch, který je cítit pod prsty. Pouzdro má dvě kapsy na doklady, do kterých můžete uložit karty i bankovky. Šňůra připevněná k pouzdru zaručuje bezpečné uchopení pouzdra a umožňuje vám jej mít vždy blízko u sebe. Povrchová úprava z ekokůže dodává pouzdru elegantní vzhled a flexibilní vložka z TPU usnadňuje instalaci zařízení do pouzdra. Magnetický uzávěr zajišťuje pevné uchopení a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření peněženky.

269 Kč

SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G black 583214
do týdne

Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.

269 Kč

SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G light blue 583215
do týdne

Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.

269 Kč

SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A23 5G light pink 583216
do týdne

Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A23 5G green 583223
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A23 5G black 583221
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A23 5G brown 583222
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

COLOR EDGE MAG COVER case compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 13 navy blue 593868
do týdne

Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.

269 Kč

COLOR EDGE MAG COVER case compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 13 pink 593906
do týdne

Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G dreamcatcher purple 590109
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G mandala green 590106
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G mandala rose gold 590107
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G dreamcatcher green 590108
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A14 4G / A14 5G gold 590152
do týdne

Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.

269 Kč

SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G light pink 590155
do týdne

Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A34 5G dreamcatcher magenta 592026
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A34 5G black 586303
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for SAMSUNG A34 5G green 586304
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

SENSITIVE Book case for SAMSUNG A54 5G black 590157
do týdne

Holster SENSITIVE Book. Provides protection of the device against damage, protecting not only its housing, but also the screen. Folded to form of a TV stand. Double protection - the holster protects the device from both sides, reducing the risk of damage and scratches. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally. Form of a TV stand for comfortable watching movies and browsing the internet. Necessary cutouts provide easy access to all ports and affect the convenient use of the smartphone. Built-in document pocket allows you to securely store payment cards. Trendy, masculine design emphasizes the unique character of the user. Available in several colors.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for SAMSUNG A54 5G mandala magenta 592028
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi 12C dreamcatcher green 591273
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi 12C black 591297
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 5G green 591302
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro Plus 5G green 591310
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

MEZZO Book case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12S dreamcatcher green 593655
do týdne

MEZZO holster with a press-pressed pattern. You can keep cards and banknotes in it; it has special pockets for documents. Thanks to the attached string, it allows you to keep the device always close to you. Fastened with a magnet. The pattern of the MEZZO holster, unlike most cases of this type, has not been painted or printed, but pressed on the material with a press, thanks to which it is durable, does not rub off and makes the surface of the case characterized by a soft, uneven surface that can be felt under the fingers. The case has two pockets for documents in which you can hold both cards and banknotes. The cord attached to the case guarantees a safe grip of the case and allows you to always keep it close to you. The eco-leather finish gives the case an elegant look, and the flexible TPU insert makes it easy to install the device in the case. The magnetic closure ensures a firm grip and prevents the wallet from accidentally opening.

269 Kč

TENDER Book Case for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12S green 593659
do týdne

TENDER holster. Made of soft, pleasant to the touch material. Equipped with three pockets for banknotes and documents. Fastened with a magnet. The TENDER holster provides full protection of the device, securing not only its back, but also the screen. Built-in magnet clasp prevents accidental opening of the case, keeping your phone safe. Three internal pockets, visible after opening the flap, allow for safe storage of documents and banknotes. The perforation on the bend makes the holster fold to the TV stand position. It is a comfortable stand that facilitates watching movies. Installation of the case is extremely simple: the flexible insert allows you to easily place your phone in it. Material: eco leather

269 Kč

COLOR EDGE MAG COVER case compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 15 Plus black 593861
do týdne

Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.

269 Kč

COLOR EDGE MAG COVER case compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 15 Plus navy blue 593878
do týdne

Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.

269 Kč

COLOR EDGE MAG COVER case compatible with MagSafe for IPHONE 15 Plus black red 593900
do týdne

Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Color Edge Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Color Edge Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. Colorful, raised rims around the screen and camera island add an aesthetic character to the transparent case. In addition, they preserves the edges of the smartphone. Specification: Materials: PC + TPUSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.

269 Kč

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