Pouzdra, skla, fólie

Keramické tvrzené sklo s celoplošným lepením. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku a zajišťuje dokonalou přilnavost, nezanechává prostor pro hromadění nečistot nebo prachu. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku , včetně zakřivení displeje. Lepidlo na celém povrchu zajišťuje dokonalé přilnutí k obrazovce a nezanechává vzduchové bubliny . Oleofobní vrstva /B> zajišťuje průhlednost obrazovky a odolnost proti otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Vysoký faktor tvrdosti zabraňuje poškození a činí displej odolným proti poškrábání. Díky nízké tloušťce je sklo prakticky neznatelné a nezahušťuje telefon. Bezpečná instalace a používání díky zaobleným hranám. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo: Na celém povrchu Pokrytí obrazovky: pokrývá celou obrazovku včetně zakřivení displeje Materiál: hybrid tvrzeného skla a keramiky Tloušťka: 0,3 mm Vzhled: s černým rámem Oleofobní povlak: ano Speciální vlastnosti: plný lepicí povrch, perfektní přilnavost, snadná instalace V sadě : - tvrzené sklo - vlhký hadřík - suchý hadřík
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification: Material: TPU
179 Kč

Overlays are made of a soft and flexible silicone that easily adapts to the phone model. Thanks to its extraordinary thickness of 0.5 mm does not thicken the phone and are undetectable. The cover has a special embossed on the rear panel to prevent the accumulation of water vapor and strong material protects the device against scratches and minor damage. The cap has cutouts for the phone function buttons to facilitate the free exercise of it without having to remove the case. Product Specification: Material: Silicone Thickness: 0,5 mm Colour: Transparent
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon case is an elegant and stylish case, which provides full protection even in difficult conditions. Its look makes that the most demanding users will like it. The holster is made of durable and resistant to shock rubber, which fits the dedicated mobile phone very well. It works during practicing extreme sports and in other difficult conditions. The reinforced sides guarantee additional amortization during the fall and lightly sticking out edges protect also the screen. The carbon and brushed aluminium motive, placed on the back of the case, makes it unique and causes that it stands out among other holsters. The holster provides full access to the buttons, slots and does not disturb during using the camera.
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification:Material: TPU
179 Kč

Měkký, lehký, stylový - tak by se dal popsat silikonový kryt od Samsungu. Poskytne vám spolehlivou ochranu a zároveň i prémiový vzhled a manipulaci vašeho smartphonu. Přestože je silikonový obal tenký, dokáže efektivně zmírnit pády telefonu a zabránit tak jeho poškození. Navíc díky preciznímu zpracování nijak neomezuje využití konektorů nebo postranních tlačítek telefonu. Vlastnosti - silikonový materiál - originál Samsung - ochranný kryt chrání zadní část telefonu a boky - kvalitní zpracování - přesně padne na daný typ telefonu
182 Kč

3D Tvrzené sklo pro mobilní telefon, které zajišťuje maximální ochranu displeje a dotykové plochy až po okraj displaye. Výrobek má nejvyšší kvalitu tvrdosti 9H. Skutečná ochrana proti poškrábání a rozbití Vašeho displeje. Vysoká transparentnost zajišťuje komfortní ovládání a nezměněnou kvalitu zobrazení.
182 Kč

Guess Rhinestones Triangle Metal Logo ochranný kryt je kombinací zadní strany pokryté drobnými kamínky a pružných PU boků, které spolehlivě chrání Váš telefon. Tento kryt je vyroben z pružného a pevného materiálu, který perfektně padne na Váš konkrétní typ telefonu. Zadní strana krytu zdobí elegantní trojúhelníkové Guess logo, které dodává krytu sofistikovaný vzhled. Oslňující design s jemnými lesklými kamínky vás okouzlí a dodá vášmu telefonu elegantní šmrnc! Díky pružným PU bokům je kryt snadno aplikovatelný a zároveň skvěle chrání Váš telefon při nechtěném pádu. Plně přístupná tlačítka a konektory umožňují pohodlné ovládání telefonu bez omezení. Guess Rhinestones Triangle Metal Logo ochranný kryt poskytuje ochranu proti prachu a nečistotám, a také před poškrábáním, což udržuje Váš telefon v perfektním stavu. Stylový design a prvotřídní materiály ho činí skvělým módním doplňkem pro každou příležitost. Vlastnosti: - Kombinace zadní strany s drobnými kamínky a pružných PU boků - Elegantní trojúhelníkové Guess logo na zadní straně - Oslňující design s jemnými lesklými kamínky - Pružné PU boky pro snadnou aplikaci a ochranu při pádu - Plně přístupná tlačítka a konektory - Ochrana před prachem, nečistotami a poškrábáním - Stylový módní doplněk pro každou příležitost - Vyrobeno z prvotřídních materiálů od značky Guess
182 Kč