Pouzdra, skla, fólie
Tvrzené sklo Nillkin - ta nejlepší ochrana Vašeho displeje Ochraňte si svůj displej ať už proti nechtěnému poškrábání nebo při pádu. Sklo poskytuje tu nejlepší ochranu displeje a zároveň zachovává barevnosti displeje díky propustnosti světla 99,9%. Nillkin sklo je vyrobeno pomoci Harves nanotechologie za použití japonského materiálu AGC. Je pokryto oleofobním povlakem, který zabraňuje ulpívání otisků prstů a lépe se čistí. Tloušťka skla je 0,33mm. Vlastnosti třídy Nillkin H: - Tvrdost 9H - Zaoblené hrany: Ne - Tloušťka skla: 0.33 mm - Lepící vrstva po celé ploše skla - Sklo kryje jen rovnou část displeje obsah balení : 1. Tvrzené sklo Nillkin H 0,33mm 2. Mokré utěrky pro odmaštění displeje 3. Modrá elektrostatická nálepka 4. Vytahovací štítek pro přesné osazení 5. Profesionální utěrka na displej Rozdíly mezi skly Nillkin H, H +, H + PRO: - H: 99,9% průhlednost, tloušťka 0,3 mm, žádné zakřivení okraje - H +: 99,9% průhlednost, tloušťka 0,3 mm, sklo je ještě tvrdší a pevnější než sklo s indexem H, zakřivení hran: 2,5D - H + PRO: 99,9% průhlednost, tloušťka 0,2 mm, lepší oleofobní povlak, zakřivení hran: 2,5D
136 Kč
Mocolo 5D je velice kvalitní tvrzené sklo, které zajišťuje ochranu celé přední dotykové části mobilního telefonu. Jeho tvrdost je 9H a je odolné proti poškrábání. Na skle jsou přesně vyřezané otvory na tlačítka, reproduktor, atd. Jeho tloušťka je pouze 0,3mm. Díky speciální oleofobní povrchové úpravě se na povrchu nezanechávají otisky prstů. Vlastnosti: - tloušťka: 0,3mm - tvrdost 9H - sklo vyrobené na konkrétní typ telefonu - odolné proti poškrábání - ochrana proti zanechání otisků prstů a odleskům - vyhlazuje a zaceluje již drobně poškrábaný displej - nesnižuje dotykové vlastnosti displeje - nesnižuje čitelnost displeje --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mocolo 5D is a high-quality tempered glass that protects the entire front of the mobile phone. Its hardness is 9H and is scratch-resistant. The glasses are precisely cut through button holes, speaker, etc. Its thickness is only 0.3mm. Thanks to a special oleophobic finish, fingerprints are not left on the surface. Properties: - Thickness: 0,3mm - Hardness 9H - Glass made on a particular type of phone - scratch resistant - protection against fingerprints and flashes - smoothes and finishes the already scratched display - It does not reduce the touch properties of the display - does not reduce the readability of the display http://www.mocolo.cn/pd.jsp?id=292#_pp=0_401_61
137 Kč
Univerzální látkové pouzdro SWISSTEN POCKET o velikosti 6,8" s kapsou na mobilní telefon a bezpečnostní kapsou na zip vám dokonale ochrání váš mobilní telefon před nečistotou a poškozením. Pouzdro SWISSTEN POCKET má praktické poutko a karabinu, díky kterým ho můžete snadno připevnit na pásek nebo batoh, anebo pomocí šňůrky pověsit na krk. Pouzdro SWISSTEN POCKET má spoustu místa pro důležité věci. Největší kapsa je uzavíratelná pomocí suchého zipu a můžete si do ní uložit váš mobilní telefon do velikosti displeje 6,8“. Dále pouzdro obsahuje menší kapsičku uzavíratelnou opět na suchý zip a bezpečnostní kapsičku, která se celá uzavírá na klasický zip, který bezpečně ochrání například vaše osobní doklady, platební karty nebo peněžní hotovost. Kompatibilita: mobilní telefony do velikosti 6,8“ Barva: černá Technické parametry Material: Textil Typ pouzdra: Univerzální Barva: viz popis Zařazení Kód produktu: Výrobce: SWISSTEN
137 Kč
Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.
139 Kč
Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.
139 Kč
Minimalist, elegant design as the perfect complement to your smartphone. High-quality silicone and inner microfiber liner ensure reliable protection of the device against scratches. The Soft-Touch coating makes the case extremely pleasant to touch and fits perfectly in hand. Matt, rubber construction protects against accidental slipping of the phone and guarantees a secure grip. The case has precise function cutouts for the charger socket and camera. Button covers made from flexible plastic maximize the comfort of use. Forcell Silicone is compatible with wireless chargers, and you do not need to remove the cover while charging.
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
OBAL:ME Matte TPU zadní kryt je ideálním spojencem pro Váš mobilní telefon. Matný povrch přidává Vašemu mobilu sofistikovaný vzhled a zároveň redukuje odrazy a otisky prstů. I přes svůj subtilní design zajišťuje perfektní ochranu vůči pádům a otřesům. Kryt byl vyroben s důrazem na detaily. Všechny výřezy jsou přesné, což zajišťuje snadný přístup ke všem funkcím telefonu. Instalace krytu je velmi snadná, kryt lze jednoduše nasadit nacvaknutím a Váš telefon je připraven k používání. Specifikace: - Vyrobeno z TPU materiálu (Termoplastický polyuretan) - Více barevných variací - Tloušťka 1.5mm - Camera protection - přesné výřezy na čočky fotoaparátu - Precizní provedení výřezů pro porty - Snadno přístupná tlačítka - Jednoduše nasaditelné i odnímatelné - Určeno pro Samsung Galaxy A05s
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Silicone 2mm is a trendy case with camera protection. It is made of durable silicone with an optimal thickness of 2mm - for even better protection of the phone. The material used does not slip in the hand, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone. Optimal thicknessThe thickness of 2 mm provides protection against drops, while the soft microfiber lining placed inside helps avoid scratches on the phone case. Protects the screen and cameraCareful finishing and the materials used - durable silicone - are its additional advantages. The raised edge around the screen and the protection of the camera island provide protection from various types of damage. Does not slip in the handThe case is made of a pleasant-to-touch material that reduces slipping in the hand - the grip is firm, which reduces the risk of dropping the phone, and consequently the risk of various types of damage. Specification:Material: silicone + microfiber liningThickness: 2 mmWireless charging supportAvailable in various colors
139 Kč
Flexibilní gelový kryt skvěle ochrání zařízení před poškozením, usazením prachu a nečistot a také zmírní následky pádu. Ochranný kryt Nillkin nabízí dokonalou ochranu vašeho telefonu a zároveň zachová jeho přirozený vzhled. Je vyroben z velmi tenkého materiálu, dokonale zakrývá zadní část i boky telefonu. Specifikace: - Materiál: TPU - Typ krytu: zadní kryt - Elegantní ochranný kryt značky Nillkin. - Základní ochrana proti nárazům, škrábancům a nečistotě. - Přístup ke všem funkčním prvkům plně zachován. - Snadná aplikace. - Nezvětší rozměry telefonu.
141 Kč
Mocolo 5D je velice kvalitní tvrzené sklo, které zajišťuje ochranu celé přední dotykové části mobilního telefonu. Jeho tvrdost je 9H a je odolné proti poškrábání. Na skle jsou přesně vyřezané otvory na tlačítka, reproduktor, atd. Jeho tloušťka je pouze 0,3mm. Díky speciální oleofobní povrchové úpravě se na povrchu nezanechávají otisky prstů. Vlastnosti: - tloušťka: 3mm - tvrdost 9H - sklo vyrobené na konkrétní typ telefonu - odolné proti poškrábání - ochrana proti zanechání otisků prstů a odleskům - vyhlazuje a zaceluje již drobně poškrábaný displej - nesnižuje dotykové vlastnosti displeje - nesnižuje čitelnost displeje
141 Kč