Pouzdra Xiaomi

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Pouzdro Winner Flipbook Duet Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 4G červená 12270
Skladem 4 ks

Univerzální pouzdro chrání Váš telefon před mechanickým poškozením a nepříznivými vnějšími vlivy. Lehké a tenké ochranné pouzdro typu kniha, se otevírá do boku, s odklápěcím flipem. Je navrženo přesně pro Váš telefon, díky tomu budete mít přístup ke všem důležitým konektorům a tlačítkům. Lze použít i jako stojánek. Knížková pouzdro Winner ve stylovém Lavender provedení chrání displej a tělo mobilního telefonu před nárazy a škrábanci. Přístup ke konektorům a všem ovládacím prvkům umožňuje i nadále ovládání bez omezení. Nechybí kapsa na kreditní kartu a vnitřní vanička, díky které je aplikace rychlá a jednoduchá. Je vyrobeno z kvalitního polyesterénu, který je příjemný na dotek. Pouzdro je možné využívat i jako stojan při sledování videí.

290 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book CARBON s kovovým rámem Xiaomi Redmi 9 černá 56918599
Skladem 4 ks

Specifikace produktu: Absolutní hit, moderně vypadající a praktické pouzdro, které může vykonávat funkci portela. Pouzdro chrání před poškozením a také jakékoliv nečistoty z Vašeho telefonu. Uvnitř peněženka obsahuje si dva vstupy na platební karty/kreditní nebo osobní dokumenty. Prostředek pouzdro je silikonové, že dělá to vyniknout mezi ostatními modely na trhu. Přesnost provedení a vysoce kvalitní materiál výrazně výhody našeho pouzdra. Určeno pod konkrétní model, rám, má, respektive, profilovaná tvar a výřezy na porty, funkční klávesy, stejně jako objektiv fotoaparátu. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech,který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým пакетиком.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book s rámem Xiaomi Redmi 9 černá 5692002420
Skladem 1 ks

Specifikace produktu: Velmi elegantní a stylové pouzdro pro přenášení. Špičková kvalita a péče o detaily dělají co je určeno pro lidi výjimečné. Пристегивание na skrytý magnet se hodí v současné trendy. Jsou k dispozici ve většině módních a zároveň univerzálních barev.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book CARBON s kovovým rámem Xiaomi Redmi 9 modrá 1152567897
Skladem 3 ks

Specifikace produktu: Absolutní hit, moderně vypadající a praktické pouzdro, které může vykonávat funkci portela. Pouzdro chrání před poškozením a také jakékoliv nečistoty z Vašeho telefonu. Uvnitř peněženka obsahuje si dva vstupy na platební karty/kreditní nebo osobní dokumenty. Prostředek pouzdro je silikonové, že dělá to vyniknout mezi ostatními modely na trhu. Přesnost provedení a vysoce kvalitní materiál výrazně výhody našeho pouzdra. Určeno pod konkrétní model, rám, má, respektive, profilovaná tvar a výřezy na porty, funkční klávesy, stejně jako objektiv fotoaparátu. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech,který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým пакетиком.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book CARBON s kovovým rámem Xiaomi Redmi 9T/Poco M3 černá 3303396989
Skladem >5 ks

Specifikace produktu: Absolutní hit, moderně vypadající a praktické pouzdro, které může vykonávat funkci portela. Pouzdro chrání před poškozením a také jakékoliv nečistoty z Vašeho telefonu. Uvnitř peněženka obsahuje si dva vstupy na platební karty/kreditní nebo osobní dokumenty. Prostředek pouzdro je silikonové, že dělá to vyniknout mezi ostatními modely na trhu. Přesnost provedení a vysoce kvalitní materiál výrazně výhody našeho pouzdra. Určeno pod konkrétní model, rám, má, respektive, profilovaná tvar a výřezy na porty, funkční klávesy, stejně jako objektiv fotoaparátu. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech,který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým пакетиком.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus s Book rámem Xiaomi Redmi 9T/Poco M3 černá 569302100323
Skladem 1 ks

Specifikace produktu: Velmi elegantní a stylové pouzdro pro přenášení. Špičková kvalita a péče o detaily dělají co je určeno pro lidi výjimečné. Knížka má skrytý magnet se hodí v současné trendy. Jsou k dispozici ve většině módních a zároveň univerzálních barev.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book s rámem Xiaomi Mi 11 červená 4972888231
Skladem 3 ks

Velmi elegantní a stylové pouzdro pro přenášení. Špičková kvalita a péče o detaily dělají co je určeno pro lidi výjimečné. Jsou k dispozici ve většině módních a zároveň univerzálních barev. Vyrobené z posledních a velmi módní faktury, ekologické kůže. Elegantní design podtrhuje rámeček kolem pouzdra, barva kterém je vybrán tak, aby tvář vypadala skvěle. Uvnitř je pouzdro vyrobeno z hebké na dotek semiš, která navíc chrání displej přístroje, a elegantní kapsa na bankovní karty a vytištěny kvalitně Vennus navíc zvyšují jeho estetickou hodnotu. Šití, silné magnety usnadňují použití. Existuje možnost stohování pouzdro v pohodlný stojan pod telefon. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech, který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým materiálem.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book s rámem Xiaomi Mi 11 zlatá 4700330003
Skladem 3 ks

Velmi elegantní a stylové pouzdro pro přenášení. Špičková kvalita a péče o detaily dělají co je určeno pro lidi výjimečné. Пристегивание na skrytý hořčík zapadá v současné trendy. Jsou k dispozici ve většině módních a zároveň univerzálních barev. Vyrobené z posledních a velmi módní faktury, ekologické kůže. Elegantní design podtrhuje rámeček kolem pouzdra, barva kterém je vybrán tak, aby tvář vypadala skvěle. Uvnitř je pouzdro vyrobeno z hebké na dotek semiš, která navíc chrání displej přístroje, a elegantní kapsa na bankovní karty a vytištěny kvalitně Vennus navíc zvyšují jeho estetickou hodnotu. Šití, silné magnety usnadňují použití. Existuje možnost stohování pouzdro v pohodlný stojan pod telefon. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech, který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým пакетиком.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book s rámem Xiaomi Redmi Note 10/10S červená 4972888266
Skladem 1 ks

Velmi elegantní a stylové pouzdro pro přenášení. Špičková kvalita a péče o detaily dělají co je určeno pro lidi výjimečné. Jsou k dispozici ve většině módních a zároveň univerzálních barev. Vyrobené z posledních a velmi módní faktury, ekologické kůže. Elegantní design podtrhuje rámeček kolem pouzdra, barva kterém je vybrán tak, aby tvář vypadala skvěle. Uvnitř je pouzdro vyrobeno z hebké na dotek semiš, která navíc chrání displej přístroje, a elegantní kapsa na bankovní karty a vytištěny kvalitně Vennus navíc zvyšují jeho estetickou hodnotu. Šití, silné magnety usnadňují použití. Existuje možnost stohování pouzdro v pohodlný stojan pod telefon. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech, který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým materiálem.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book s rámem Xiaomi Redmi Note 10/10S zlatá 4700330077
Skladem >5 ks

Velmi elegantní a stylové pouzdro pro přenášení. Špičková kvalita a péče o detaily dělají co je určeno pro lidi výjimečné. Пристегивание na skrytý hořčík zapadá v současné trendy. Jsou k dispozici ve většině módních a zároveň univerzálních barev. Vyrobené z posledních a velmi módní faktury, ekologické kůže. Elegantní design podtrhuje rámeček kolem pouzdra, barva kterém je vybrán tak, aby tvář vypadala skvěle. Uvnitř je pouzdro vyrobeno z hebké na dotek semiš, která navíc chrání displej přístroje, a elegantní kapsa na bankovní karty a vytištěny kvalitně Vennus navíc zvyšují jeho estetickou hodnotu. Šití, silné magnety usnadňují použití. Existuje možnost stohování pouzdro v pohodlný stojan pod telefon. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech, který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým пакетиком.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Vennus Book CARBON s kovovým rámem XIAOMI Redmi NOTE 10 5G / Poco M3 Pro / Poco M3 Pro 5G černá 5903396106880
Skladem >5 ks

Specifikace produktu: Absolutní hit, moderně vypadající a praktické pouzdro, které může vykonávat funkci portela. Pouzdro chrání před poškozením a také jakékoliv nečistoty z Vašeho telefonu. Uvnitř peněženka obsahuje si dva vstupy na platební karty/kreditní nebo osobní dokumenty. Prostředek pouzdro je silikonové, že dělá to vyniknout mezi ostatními modely na trhu. Přesnost provedení a vysoce kvalitní materiál výrazně výhody našeho pouzdra. Určeno pod konkrétní model, rám, má, respektive, profilovaná tvar a výřezy na porty, funkční klávesy, stejně jako objektiv fotoaparátu. Pouzdro je zasazena v původním prstech,který lze zavěsit. Každá hra, navíc je chráněn polyetylenovým пакетиком.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 10C black 581560
do týdne

Elegantní pouzdro s kovovým rámem pro zvýšenou ochranu telefonu. Atraktivní textura a na dotek příjemný materiál vytvářejí stylové pouzdro, které zdůrazňuje moderní design zařízení. Měkký semišový materiál uvnitř a v části držáku chrání zařízení z obou stran před poškozením a poškrábáním. Rukojeť je vyrobena z elastického silikonu a má výřezy. Hliníkový rám na okrajích dělá pouzdro pevnější a ještě více chrání zařízení. Spojením kovu a originálního materiálu vzniká unikátní a moderní kompozice, díky které se přístroj prezentuje stylově a elegantně. Pouzdro má i malou kapsičku na šikovné doklady nebo bankovky. Pouzdro je tvořeno vodorovnou základnou pro sledování filmů nebo fotografií. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi 10C red 581561
Skladem 2 ks

Elegantní pouzdro s kovovým rámem pro zvýšenou ochranu telefonu. Atraktivní textura a na dotek příjemný materiál vytvářejí stylové pouzdro, které zdůrazňuje moderní design zařízení. Měkký semišový materiál uvnitř a v části držáku chrání zařízení z obou stran před poškozením a poškrábáním. Rukojeť je vyrobena z elastického silikonu a má výřezy. Hliníkový rám na okrajích dělá pouzdro pevnější a ještě více chrání zařízení. Spojením kovu a originálního materiálu vzniká unikátní a moderní kompozice, díky které se přístroj prezentuje stylově a elegantně. Pouzdro má i malou kapsičku na šikovné doklady nebo bankovky. Pouzdro je tvořeno vodorovnou základnou pro sledování filmů nebo fotografií. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření.

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G dark green 591322
do týdne

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G blue 591320
Skladem 1 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G black 591321
do týdne

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12S blue 593662
do týdne

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12S dark green 593660
Skladem 2 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12S black 593661
Skladem 2 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi NOTE 12 PRO Plus 5G dark green 591323
Skladem 5 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi Note 12 Pro Plus 5G black 591324
Skladem >5 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

RAZOR Book for XIAOMI Redmi NOTE 12 PRO Plus 5G blue 591325
Skladem 4 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 13C / POCO C65 black 597699
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi 13C / POCO C65 red 597700
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 13C / POCO C65 silver 597701
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 13C / POCO C65 gold 597702
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 4G / POCO M6 Pro 4G black 601184
Skladem >5 ks

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 4G / POCO M6 Pro 4G red 601185
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 4G / POCO M6 Pro 4G silver 601186
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 4G / POCO M6 Pro 4G gold 601187
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 5G red 601171
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 5G black 601170
Skladem 3 ks

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 5G silver 601172
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 5G gold 601173
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 5G black 601174
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 5G red 601175
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 5G silver 601176
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO 5G gold 601177
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO Plus 5G red 601179
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 PRO Plus 5G gold 601181
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 14C silver 298008
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 14C black 298006
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for Xiaomi Redmi 14C gold 298009
Skladem 4 ks

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

LUNA Book Gold for XIAOMI Redmi 14C red 298007
do týdne

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.

279 Kč

Pouzdro Forcell ARMOR XIAOMI REDMI NOTE 8 černá 590173786499
Skladem 2 ks

Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné. 

277 Kč

Pouzdro Forcell ARMOR XIAOMI REDMI 9 černá 5901737864999
Skladem >5 ks

Fotografie typů mobilních telefonů jsou pouze ilustrační. Rozměry a výřezy pro tlačítka, kameru a konektor odpovídají produktu uvedeného v NÁZVU! Forcell Armor Armor je perfektní řešení pro lidi, kteří hledají dokonalou ochranu svého zařízení. Pouzdro je skvělé v extrémních podmínkách, které chrání záda, boky a obrazovku smartphonu. Hybridní dvoudílná konstrukce je vyrobena z odolného PC a termoplastického TPU. Kombinace těchto prvků činí pouzdro extrémně silnou a trvanlivou a telefon pečený proti poškrábání, poškození a znečištění. Struktura pavučiny uvnitř absorbuje šoky a mírně vyčnívající okraje chrání obrazovku a fotoaparát. Technologie Air Cushion se navíc dobře pracuje v extrémních situacích, které ovlivňují tlumení během pádů a otřesů.Případ se vyznačuje ergonomickým tvarem, ale i dokonale přizpůsobí tomu určených zařízení, zahušťovat ji a neposkytuje úplný přístup k tlačítkům, fotoaparát a nabíječka. Pouzdro je snadno sestavitelné a rozebíratelné. 

277 Kč

RAZOR Book for Xiaomi Redmi 9AT / Redmi 9A blue 583255
Skladem >5 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

277 Kč

RAZOR Book for Xiaomi Redmi 9AT / Redmi 9A black 542067
Skladem >5 ks

A luxury Razor Book is a guarantee of phone security in a prestigious style. Reinforced rims, soft inner material, and a magnetic clasp protect the device against scratches and knocks. Safety all overThe unique Razor case will be a perfect addition to your smartphone in any situation. Reinforced rims, extra camera protection, and magnetic clasp ensure that the device remains safe and will not fall out of its holder regardless of the circumstances. Functional interiorThe cover is designed for convenient storage not only of a smartphone but also of frequently used documents. The inner pocket can accommodate a credit card, ID, or a small piece of paper, e.g. a shopping list, so you do not have to take your entire wallet everywhere. Exclusive lookThe carbon, dark-colored cover refers to the design of sports cars and gives the device an elegant character. The inner material is so soft that it additionally protects the display against damage, while the honeycomb pattern on a rubber part supporting the phone highlights the aesthetics of the entire case. Material: PU leather (outer side), microfiber (inner side with a pocket), TPU (inner side supporting the phone)

277 Kč

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