Příslušenství k mobilům

Kabura Smart Magneto to klasyczny pokrowiec na telefon z funkcją portfela oraz TV stand. Wykonana z materiału o metalizującej strukturze, w środku wyścielona miękką tkaniną chroniącą ekran telefonu przed zarysowaniami. Posiada zapięcie na magnes. Ponadczasowa elegancjaGłębokie kolory oraz metaliczny połysk tworzą efekt niebanalnej elegancji. Kabura sprawdza się jako doskonały dodatek do każdej garderoby. Funkcjonalna w użyciuPokrowiec ma wiele cech, które sprawiają, że korzystanie z etui jest bardzo komfortowe. Wewnątrz znajduje się kieszonka, w której można przechowywać karty bankomatowe lub dokumenty. Ustawienie kabury w pozycji poziomej umożliwia wygodne przeglądanie internetu czy oglądanie filmów. Zapięcie na magnes zapobiega przypadkowemu otwarciu się etui. Wycięcia na przyciski funkcyjne umożliwiają swobodne korzystanie z telefonu. Wysoka ochronaWnętrze pokrowca wykonane jest z miękkiej tkaniny, chroniącej ekran przed zarysowaniami. Nakładka z TPU solidnie utrzymuje telefon i zapobiega jego przypadkowemu wysunięciu się. Materiał: Tworzywo sztuczne i TPUZapięcie: Magnes
250 Kč

Kabura Smart Magneto to klasyczny pokrowiec na telefon z funkcją portfela oraz TV stand. Wykonana z materiału o metalizującej strukturze, w środku wyścielona miękką tkaniną chroniącą ekran telefonu przed zarysowaniami. Posiada zapięcie na magnes. Ponadczasowa elegancjaGłębokie kolory oraz metaliczny połysk tworzą efekt niebanalnej elegancji. Kabura sprawdza się jako doskonały dodatek do każdej garderoby. Funkcjonalna w użyciuPokrowiec ma wiele cech, które sprawiają, że korzystanie z etui jest bardzo komfortowe. Wewnątrz znajduje się kieszonka, w której można przechowywać karty bankomatowe lub dokumenty. Ustawienie kabury w pozycji poziomej umożliwia wygodne przeglądanie internetu czy oglądanie filmów. Zapięcie na magnes zapobiega przypadkowemu otwarciu się etui. Wycięcia na przyciski funkcyjne umożliwiają swobodne korzystanie z telefonu. Wysoka ochronaWnętrze pokrowca wykonane jest z miękkiej tkaniny, chroniącej ekran przed zarysowaniami. Nakładka z TPU solidnie utrzymuje telefon i zapobiega jego przypadkowemu wysunięciu się. Materiał: Tworzywo sztuczne i TPUZapięcie: Magnes
250 Kč

HOCO car holder CA40 Cool journey was created for every driver and makes the car journeys safe and comfortable. Well-thought design of the product provides its easy use and allows to install it on the dashboard, as well as on the windshield. HOCO car holder CA40 is a modern device, very compact, so it does not take up the space. The product, thanks to its unique design, does not disturb the aesthetic appearance of the car’s interior, either. With the HOCO car holder CA40 you can easily have the phone calls during driving and enjoy your journey in safety. The product faces the different needs of every customer and allows you to install it on the vehicle dashboard or windshield. HOCO car holder CA40 was made of lightweight and solid materials, so it provides both, comfort and safety, and guarantees that your device will be holding still while you are driving. The product has a wide-range compatibility and can be used with 58mm-82mm (4-6.5 inch) smartphones and GPS devices. Specification: Material: ABS + PC Size: 105*50*80mm Weight: 70g
233 Kč

Ensure excellent protection for your smartphone with Clear Mag Cover whose durable and transparent coating protects against impacts or scratches. The product is compatible with MagSafe technology that enables inductive charging. Clear Mag Cover for iPhone is a guarantee of high-quality materials and full comfort. It supports the innovative MagSafe technology that allows you to charge your phone using no cables. A ring with built-in magnets lets you inductively replenish the battery without removing the case. You can also reach out for magnetic car holders and do not worry about the mounting firmness while driving. The case is made of high-quality plastic, which is durable enough to serve for a long time. It prevents unwanted effects of dropping from a height and scratches on the smooth surface. The clear design keeps the original aesthetics of Apple devices, keeping it stylish as before. The non-slip coating does not slip which makes the case comfortable when kept in the hand. The raised screen surround additionally covers the rims of the smartphone and the integral cutouts facilitate access to the ports so you can easily use all the features. Specification: Material: Plastics—PC (back), TPU (rims)Color: TransparentSupports MagSafe wireless charging technology.
233 Kč

Elegantní klasické pouzdro Smart Pro vyrobené z vysoce kvalitních materiálů. Okraje zpevněné hustým prošíváním v barvě vnitřního materiálu dodávají potahu osobitý styl. Pouzdro bylo vyrobeno extrémně pevně a pečlivě - okraje jsou vyztuženy silným švem a celá konstrukce je vyztužená, díky čemuž poskytuje zařízení dostatečnou ochranu. Měkká povrchová úprava vnitřku chrání displej před poškrábáním a drobným poškozením. Pouzdro má uvnitř kapsu na uložení potřebných dokumentů a dvojité zapínání na magnet zaručuje volnost použití. Pouzdro má výřezy pro funkční tlačítka telefonu, což umožňuje používat zařízení bez sejmutí z krytu. Pouzdro umožňuje uspořádat telefon tak, abyste mohli pohodlně sledovat video nebo prohlížet fotografie (funkce TV stojanu). Materiál : přírodní kůže, TPU (termoplastický polyuretan)
229 Kč

Elegantní pouzdro s kovovým rámem pro zvýšenou ochranu telefonu. Atraktivní textura a na dotek příjemný materiál vytváří stylové pouzdro, které zdůrazňuje moderní design zařízení. Měkký semišový materiál uvnitř a v části držáku chrání zařízení z obou stran před poškozením a poškrábáním. Rukojeť je vyrobena z elastického silikonu a má výřezy. Hliníkový rám na okrajích dělá pouzdro pevnější a ještě více chrání zařízení. Spojením kovu a originálního materiálu vzniká unikátní a moderní kompozice, díky které se zařízení prezentuje stylově a elegantně. Pouzdro má i malou kapsičku na šikovné doklady nebo bankovky. Pouzdro je tvořeno vodorovnou základnou pro sledování filmů nebo fotografií. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření.
229 Kč

Elegantní pouzdro s kovovým rámem pro zvýšenou ochranu telefonu. Atraktivní textura a na dotek příjemný materiál vytváří stylové pouzdro, které zdůrazňuje moderní design zařízení. Měkký semišový materiál uvnitř a v části držáku chrání zařízení z obou stran před poškozením a poškrábáním. Rukojeť je vyrobena z elastického silikonu a má výřezy. Hliníkový rám na okrajích dělá pouzdro pevnější a ještě více chrání zařízení. Spojením kovu a originálního materiálu vzniká unikátní a moderní kompozice, díky které se zařízení prezentuje stylově a elegantně. Pouzdro má i malou kapsičku na šikovné doklady nebo bankovky. Pouzdro je tvořeno vodorovnou základnou pro sledování filmů nebo fotografií. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření.
229 Kč

Elegantní klasické pouzdro Smart Pro vyrobené z vysoce kvalitních materiálů. Okraje zpevněné hustým prošíváním v barvě vnitřního materiálu dodávají potahu osobitý styl. Pouzdro bylo vyrobeno extrémně pevně a pečlivě - okraje jsou vyztuženy silným švem a celá konstrukce je vyztužená, díky čemuž poskytuje zařízení dostatečnou ochranu. Měkká povrchová úprava vnitřku chrání displej před poškrábáním a drobným poškozením. Pouzdro má uvnitř kapsu na uložení potřebných dokumentů a dvojité zapínání na magnet zaručuje svobodu použití. Pouzdro má výřezy pro funkční tlačítka telefonu, což umožňuje používat zařízení bez sejmutí z krytu. Pouzdro umožňuje uspořádat telefon tak, abyste mohli pohodlně sledovat video nebo prohlížet fotografie (funkce TV stojanu). Materiál : přírodní kůže, TPU (termoplastický polyuretan)
229 Kč

Elegantní klasické pouzdro Smart Pro vyrobené z vysoce kvalitních materiálů. Okraje zpevněné hustým prošíváním v barvě vnitřního materiálu dodávají potahu osobitý styl. Pouzdro bylo vyrobeno extrémně pevně a pečlivě - okraje jsou vyztuženy silným švem a celá konstrukce je vyztužená, díky čemuž poskytuje zařízení dostatečnou ochranu. Měkká povrchová úprava vnitřku chrání displej před poškrábáním a drobným poškozením. Pouzdro má uvnitř kapsu na uložení potřebných dokumentů a dvojité zapínání na magnet zaručuje svobodu použití. Pouzdro má výřezy pro funkční tlačítka telefonu, což umožňuje používat zařízení bez sejmutí z krytu. Pouzdro umožňuje uspořádat telefon tak, abyste mohli pohodlně sledovat video nebo prohlížet fotografie (funkce TV stojanu). Materiál : přírodní kůže, TPU (termoplastický polyuretan)
229 Kč

Elegantní pouzdro s kovovým rámem pro zvýšenou ochranu telefonu. Atraktivní textura a na dotek příjemný materiál vytváří stylové pouzdro, které zdůrazňuje moderní design zařízení. Měkký semišový materiál uvnitř a v části držáku chrání zařízení z obou stran před poškozením a poškrábáním. Rukojeť je vyrobena z elastického silikonu a má výřezy. Hliníkový rám na okrajích dělá pouzdro pevnější a ještě více chrání zařízení. Spojením kovu a originálního materiálu vzniká unikátní a moderní kompozice, díky které se zařízení prezentuje stylově a elegantně. Pouzdro má i malou kapsičku na šikovné doklady nebo bankovky. Pouzdro je tvořeno vodorovnou základnou pro sledování filmů nebo fotografií. Silný magnet zajišťuje snadné zavírání a otevírání pouzdra a zabraňuje jeho náhodnému otevření.
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Smart Magneto s magnetickým zapínáním je klasické pouzdro na telefon s funkcí peněženky a TV stojanu. Je vyroben z metalizovaného materiálu, podšitý jemnou látkou, která chrání displej před poškrábáním. Elegance všech dob Černé matné provedení vytváří efekt viditelné elegance. Vnitřní černá TPU vložka dokonale zapadá do celého designu krytu. Pouzdro je perfektním doplňkem každého šatníku. Funkční a užitečné Pouzdro má mnoho funkcí, díky kterým je každé použití pohodlné. Uvnitř je kapsa, kam si můžete uložit platební karty nebo doklady. Nastavení v horizontální poloze umožňuje pohodlné procházení internetu nebo sledování filmů. Magnetické zapínání zabraňuje jakémukoli otevření pouzdra a s výřezy na tlačítka nebudete mít problém při používání telefonu. Silná ochrana Vnitřní část TPU pouzdra je vyrobena z měkké tkaniny, která chrání displej před poškrábáním. Navíc se nemusíte bát, že vám telefon vypadne, protože uvnitř drží pevně. Materiál: plast a TPU Zapínání: magnet
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceDeep colors and a metallic gloss finish create an effect of visible elegance. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceThe black, matt design creates an effect of visible elegance. An inner black TPU insert fits perfectly the entire cover design. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
229 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceDeep colors and a metallic gloss finish create an effect of visible elegance. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
229 Kč

A Smart Magneto with a magnetic fastener is a classic phone case with a wallet and TV stand function. It is made of a metalized material, lined with a soft fabric that protects the screen from scratches. All-time eleganceDeep colors and a metallic gloss finish create an effect of visible elegance. The case is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. Functional and usefulThe case has many features that make every using comfortable. There is an inner pocket where you can store cash cards or documents. Setting in horizontal position allows you to conveniently browse the Internet or watch movies. The magnetic fastener prevents any opening of the case and with buttons cutouts you will not have a problem when using the phone. Strong protectionThe inner part of the TPU case is made of a soft fabric that protects the screen against scratches. Moreover, you do not have to worry that your phone will drop out, because it sticks firmly inside. Material: Plastic & TPUFastener: magnet
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet
229 Kč

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device. Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage and scratches. The handle is made of elastic silicone and has cutouts. The aluminum frame on the edges makes the case stronger and protects the device even more. Combining metal and original material creates a unique and modern composition, thanks to which the device presents stylish and elegant. The case also has a small pocket for handy documents or banknotes. The case is made up of a horizontal base for watching movies or photos. A strong magnet ensures easy closing and opening the holster and prevents it from being opened accidentally.
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč

Elegant classic Smart Pro case made of high-quality materials. The edges reinforced with a thick stitching in the color of the inner material add a special style to the cover. The case has been made extremely solid and carefully - the edges are reinforced with a thick seam, and the entire structure is stiffened, thanks to which it provides adequate protection for the device. The soft finish of the inside protects the screen against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a pocket inside to store the necessary documents, and the double magnet closure guarantees freedom of use. The case has cutouts for the phone's function buttons, which allows you to use the device without removing it from the cover. The holster allows you to arrange the phone in such a way that you can comfortably watch video or view photos (TV stand function). Material:natural leather, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
229 Kč