Samsung Galaxy M15 5G M156B 4GB/128GB Gray
Popis produktu
Smartphone, který umí show
Galaxy M15 5G je zapouzdřen v detailnějším těle s poměrem 19,5 : 9 pro ideální kompaktnost a přilnavost. Navrženo s plovoucími okraji, lineárním rozložením fotoaparátu a lesklým zadním krytem s okouzlujícími, světlo odrážejícími vzory, vaše zařízení může přinášet nekonečnou show. Dostupné ve světle modré, tmavě modré a šedé barvě.
Profi snímky s 50Mpx fotoaparátem
Galaxy M15 5G se může pochlubit 50Mpx širokoúhlým fotoaparátem pro profesionální snímky, 5Mpx ultraširokoúhlým fotoaparátem a 2Mpx makro fotoaparátem pro krajiny a záběry zblízka a 13Mpx selfie fotoaparátem pro selfie, která stojí za sdílení.
Superrychlé nabíjení a 6000mAh baterie
S 6000mAh (typickou) baterií se superrychlým nabíjením jste vždy blíže k akci.
Hyperrychlé 5G streamování
S výkonným osmijádrovým procesorem může Galaxy M15 5G rychle sledovat vaši práci a nechat vám čas na hyperrychlé 5G streamování, rolování na sociálních sítích nebo hraní vašich oblíbených her.
Funkce Voice Focus
Není třeba křičet. Funkce Voice Focus je navržena tak, aby odlišila váš hlas od ostatních rušivých zvuků a zesílila jej, abyste byli při hlasových hovorech slyšet ostře a jasně.
Samsung Knox Vault s certifikací EAL5+
Samsung Knox Vault s certifikací EAL5+ je navržen tak, aby chránil vaše citlivá data, jako jsou PIN, hesla a vzory, v samostatném úložišti odolném proti neoprávněné manipulaci pro ochranu před softwarovými a hardwarovými hrozbami zahrnujícími napětí, závady, vysokou teplotu a laser.
Boční snímač otisků prstů
Snadný, ale jistý způsob odemknutí. Boční snímač otisků prstů umožňuje přístup k nejjednoduššímu ověření jediným stisknutím a také přizpůsobitelným funkcím dvojitého stisknutí, včetně rychlého spuštění fotoaparátu nebo otevření jiné určené aplikace.
Smartphone s oblíbenými parametry
Ponechali jsme klasiku. 3,5mm jack pro sluchátka a externí úložiště pro microSD kartu, až 1 TB, jsou stále zde, aby vám umožnily pověsit se na některé z vašich oblíbených způsobů, jak dělat věci.
Obsah balení:
Samsung SM-M156B Galaxy M15 5G Dual SIM.
Kolík na SIM.
Součástí obsahu balení není adaptér.
Samsung Galaxy M15 M156B 5G 128GB
The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet
229 Kč

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet
229 Kč

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet
229 Kč

The original holster with the metallised finish. Outside is trimmed with glittering material and in the middle is the soft material to protect your phone screen from scratches. It has a pocket for documents and a magnet clasp. Available in several different colours. The holster has an interesting material with a metallizing structure that glistens in the daylight. Hems on the edges strengthen the book and make them even more original. In the middle is a soft imitation suede finish which provides excellent protection for delicate screens and protects against scratches and minor damage. The holster has a small, practical pocket for documents andthe TV stand function - particularly useful when watching movies or browsing the internet. The phone is placed in silicone housing, which has cutouts for some function buttons allowing free use of the phone. The holster is available in several colours. Material: Plastic and TPU Clasp: Magnet
229 Kč

The Anti-drop case has been designed to provide maximum protection for the device while partially maintaining its original aesthetics. Reinforced rims perfectly absorb falls, dispersing the impact energy over the entire surface of the case, which significantly increases the phone's protection in the event of a drop. Rubber edges additionally protect the device and ensure a firm grip, minimizing the risk of slipping out of your hand. This is especially important in everyday use. The transparent acrylic surface protects the back of the device and allows its design to be fully exposed. This material is resistant to scratches and discoloration, ensuring the phone will look aesthetically pleasing for a long time. In addition, a full coverage of the camera island preserves the sensitive part of the smartphone. Material: TPU + acrylic
199 Kč