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Ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Premium - for Iphone 16 Pro Max, 605424
Skladem 5 ks

Tempered glass 9H designed for the latest smartphones. Provide effective protection, excellent image clarity and camouflages scratches on the screen. Oleophobic coating provides resistanceto grease and fingerprints. The glass is thin and robust – has a thickness of less than 0.3mm and does not thicken your phone. Excellent adhesion thanks to the whole glue surface means that no dirt or dust accumulates under the foil. Easy to install thanks to the included kit. Glass perfectly fits to the screen, leaving no air bubbles. Non-adhesive formula makes the glass after you remove the leaves no traces. The film made of tempered glass is much more scratch resistant than plastic sheeting. The edges of the glass are rounded – safety guaranteed. Hardness index: 9HThickness: 0.3mmPackage: Paper with euro hole If you purchase 10 pieces or multiples of glass are packed 10 pieces in an elegant and durable packaging with euro-hole. Price above applies to a single piece of glass. The set includes:- film- cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing,- cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles

179 Kč

Ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Premium - for Samsung Galaxy A06, 296645
Skladem >5 ks

Tempered glass 9H designed for the latest smartphones. Provide effective protection, excellent image clarity and camouflages scratches on the screen. Oleophobic coating provides resistanceto grease and fingerprints. The glass is thin and robust – has a thickness of less than 0.3mm and does not thicken your phone. Excellent adhesion thanks to the whole glue surface means that no dirt or dust accumulates under the foil. Easy to install thanks to the included kit. Glass perfectly fits to the screen, leaving no air bubbles. Non-adhesive formula makes the glass after you remove the leaves no traces. The film made of tempered glass is much more scratch resistant than plastic sheeting. The edges of the glass are rounded – safety guaranteed. Hardness index: 9HThickness: 0.3mmPackage: Paper with euro hole If you purchase 10 pieces or multiples of glass are packed 10 pieces in an elegant and durable packaging with euro-hole. Price above applies to a single piece of glass. The set includes:- film- cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing,- cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles

179 Kč

Ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Premium - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G / Note 14 pro 4G, 298288
Skladem >5 ks

Tempered glass 9H designed for the latest smartphones. Provide effective protection, excellent image clarity and camouflages scratches on the screen. Oleophobic coating provides resistanceto grease and fingerprints. The glass is thin and robust – has a thickness of less than 0.3mm and does not thicken your phone. Excellent adhesion thanks to the whole glue surface means that no dirt or dust accumulates under the foil. Easy to install thanks to the included kit. Glass perfectly fits to the screen, leaving no air bubbles. Non-adhesive formula makes the glass after you remove the leaves no traces. The film made of tempered glass is much more scratch resistant than plastic sheeting. The edges of the glass are rounded – safety guaranteed. Hardness index: 9HThickness: 0.3mmPackage: Paper with euro hole If you purchase 10 pieces or multiples of glass are packed 10 pieces in an elegant and durable packaging with euro-hole. Price above applies to a single piece of glass. The set includes:- film- cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing,- cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles

179 Kč

Ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Premium - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 5G / Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 4G, 298290
Skladem >5 ks

Tempered glass 9H designed for the latest smartphones. Provide effective protection, excellent image clarity and camouflages scratches on the screen. Oleophobic coating provides resistanceto grease and fingerprints. The glass is thin and robust – has a thickness of less than 0.3mm and does not thicken your phone. Excellent adhesion thanks to the whole glue surface means that no dirt or dust accumulates under the foil. Easy to install thanks to the included kit. Glass perfectly fits to the screen, leaving no air bubbles. Non-adhesive formula makes the glass after you remove the leaves no traces. The film made of tempered glass is much more scratch resistant than plastic sheeting. The edges of the glass are rounded – safety guaranteed. Hardness index: 9HThickness: 0.3mmPackage: Paper with euro hole If you purchase 10 pieces or multiples of glass are packed 10 pieces in an elegant and durable packaging with euro-hole. Price above applies to a single piece of glass. The set includes:- film- cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing,- cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles

179 Kč

Ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Premium - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G, 298289
do týdne

Tempered glass 9H designed for the latest smartphones. Provide effective protection, excellent image clarity and camouflages scratches on the screen. Oleophobic coating provides resistanceto grease and fingerprints. The glass is thin and robust – has a thickness of less than 0.3mm and does not thicken your phone. Excellent adhesion thanks to the whole glue surface means that no dirt or dust accumulates under the foil. Easy to install thanks to the included kit. Glass perfectly fits to the screen, leaving no air bubbles. Non-adhesive formula makes the glass after you remove the leaves no traces. The film made of tempered glass is much more scratch resistant than plastic sheeting. The edges of the glass are rounded – safety guaranteed. Hardness index: 9HThickness: 0.3mmPackage: Paper with euro hole If you purchase 10 pieces or multiples of glass are packed 10 pieces in an elegant and durable packaging with euro-hole. Price above applies to a single piece of glass. The set includes:- film- cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing,- cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles

179 Kč

Ochranné tvrzené sklo 9H Premium - for Samsung Galaxy A36 5G / A56 5G, 299169
Skladem >5 ks

Tempered glass 9H designed for the latest smartphones. Provide effective protection, excellent image clarity and camouflages scratches on the screen. Oleophobic coating provides resistanceto grease and fingerprints. The glass is thin and robust – has a thickness of less than 0.3mm and does not thicken your phone. Excellent adhesion thanks to the whole glue surface means that no dirt or dust accumulates under the foil. Easy to install thanks to the included kit. Glass perfectly fits to the screen, leaving no air bubbles. Non-adhesive formula makes the glass after you remove the leaves no traces. The film made of tempered glass is much more scratch resistant than plastic sheeting. The edges of the glass are rounded – safety guaranteed. Hardness index: 9HThickness: 0.3mmPackage: Paper with euro hole If you purchase 10 pieces or multiples of glass are packed 10 pieces in an elegant and durable packaging with euro-hole. Price above applies to a single piece of glass. The set includes:- film- cloth to remove dust wipe the screen degreasing,- cleaning cloth to remove air bubbles

179 Kč

WG Pen stylus černá 53771
info v obchodě

Velmi kvalitní stylus pro kapacitní displeje, který Vám dodá pocit opravdu přesného a velmi pohodlného ovládání. Tímto stylusem se vám displej vašeho telefonu bude ovládat ještě lépe a přesněji než prstem. Podstatnou výhodou použití tohoto stylusu je, že na rozdíl od ovládání prstem se vám displej neznečistí mastnotou, a tak i na denním světle bude jeho viditelnost daleko lepší.

179 Kč

WG Stylus pen černá, 4620
Skladem 3 ks

Velmi kvalitní stylus pro kapacitní displeje, který Vám dodá pocit opravdu přesného a velmi pohodlného ovládání. Tímto stylusem se vám displej vašeho telefonu bude ovládat ještě lépe a přesněji než prstem. Podstatnou výhodou použití tohoto stylusu je, že na rozdíl od ovládání prstem se vám displej neznečistí mastnotou, a tak i na denním světle bude jeho viditelnost daleko lepší.

179 Kč

WG Stylus pne bílá. 4622
Skladem 3 ks

179 Kč

Nillkin Super Frosted Zadní Kryt pro Samsung Galaxy A14 4G Black, 6902048262805
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Nillkin Super Frosted Zadní Kryt pro Samsung Galaxy A14 4G Black

179 Kč

Skladem 4 ks

POPIS PRODUKTU Oboustranný USB-C kabel Winner o délce 50 cm umožní nabíjení telefonů i tabletů. Zároveň umožňuje i přenos dat mezi telefonem a počítačem. Kvalitní zpracování zajistí dlouhou životnost. PARAMETRY PRODUKTU Klíčové parametry produktu Délka kabelu 0.5 m Redukce Ne Druh kabelu USB Fyzické vlastnosti a barva Barva černá Šířka 1 cm Hmotnost 16 g Výška 0.5 cm Hloubka 50 cm Konektivita Délka kabelu 0.5 m Další vlastnosti Značka Winner Typ konektoru 1 Samec Druh konektoru 1 USB C Typ konektoru 2 Samec Druh konektoru 2 USB C Redukce Ne Druh kabelu USB Baterie Výkon nabíjení show_tooltip 60 W

179 Kč

Kabel METAL SNAKE T-6 Micro USB 1m šedá 5901737881649
Skladem 5 ks

Délka kabelu je jeden metr, METAL SNAKE T-6 Micro USB 1m.

179 Kč

OCHRANNÉ TVRZENÉ SKLO H9 Nillkin Amazing Samsung Grand Prime transparentní, 813787
Skladem 4 ks

Popis produktu Tato vlastnost skla není na závadu, sklo přesto plní svoji funkci i na telefonech, které mají na okrajích zakulacenou dotykovou plochu. Sklo je velmi pevné a tenké, tloušťka je pouhých 0,33mm. Skla jsou vyrobena přesně na daný typ telefonu a mají v sobě výřezy na tlačítka, reproduktor atd. Toto sklo je verze 2.5D tzn., že se jedná o vylepšený model se zakulacenými hranami. Jeho tvrdost 9H je jedna z nejvyšších tvrdostí (10 je diamant), to znamená že nelze poškrábat jako běžný displej. Sklo je dokonale průhledné. Speciální tvrzené sklo dokonale chrání displej telefonu. Skládá se ze dvou vrstev, z čehož první tvoří tenké, odolné tvrzené sklo, druhou vrstvu tvoří speciální fólie, která zajistí perfektní přilnutí k displeji telefonu. Nemusíte se obávat o displej ani při pádu zařízení na zem. A pokud se stane, že se toto tvrzené sklo rozbije, displej telefonu bude stále nepoškozen. Sklo je velmi tenké, vůbec nesnižuje dotykové vlasnosti displeje, ale právě naopak. Ovládání telefonu přes dotykové sklo je přesné a velice příjemné. Potěší i snadnější aplikace skla než běžné tenké ochranné folie. Vlastnosti: vyrobeno přesně na daný typ telefonu velice odolné proti poškrábání omezuje odlesky a otisky prstů vyhlazuje a zaceluje již drobně poškrábaný displej lze opětovně sejmout a znovu použít při rozbití se rozbije na malé kousky, které nejsou ostré, nepoškodí tak chráněný displej nesnižuje dotykové vlasnosti displeje ani čitelnost displeje Do skla jsou vyřezané otvory na tlačítka a na senzory osvětlení a příblížení. Čočka fotoaparátu bývá chráněna a je zakryta sklem.    

179 Kč

3D tvrzené sklo SMART GLASS 9H XIAOMI Redmi 9 černá 521247899
Skladem >5 ks

Smart Glass - je to jedinečné tvrzené sklo nalepené na celou plochu. Rámeček ve vybrané barvě byl dokonale profilován, aby lépe přilnul k mírně zaobleným hranám displeje. Tvrzené sklo je velmi odolné vůči jakémukoli poškození a poskytuje účinnou ochranu. Nezmění to citlivost dotykové obrazovky a vysoká průhlednost zajišťuje pohodlné používání obrazovky. Díky oobobickému povlaku je extrémně odolný vůči mastným stopám a otiskům prstů. Po demontáži nezanechává žádné stopy, je bezpečný pro obrazovku.• chránič z pravého tvrzeného skla• vynikající dlouhodobá ochrana obrazovky před prachem, poškrábáním nebo dokonce proti rozbití• velmi vysoká průhlednost zapomene, že je obrazovka něčím chráněna• snadná aplikace• oleofobní povlak způsobující stékání kapek vody v případě zaplaveníSada obsahuje:• tvrzené sklo•čisticí prostředek napuštěný alkoholem • hadřík z mikrovlákna

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass 9H - for Samsung Galaxy S21 black 442617
Skladem >5 ks

Keramické tvrzené sklo s celoplošným lepením. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku a zajišťuje dokonalou přilnavost, nezanechává prostor pro hromadění nečistot nebo prachu. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku , včetně zakřivení displeje. Lepidlo na celém povrchu zajišťuje dokonalé přilnutí k obrazovce a nezanechává vzduchové bubliny . Oleofobní vrstva /B> zajišťuje průhlednost obrazovky a odolnost proti otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Vysoký faktor tvrdosti zabraňuje poškození a činí displej odolným proti poškrábání. Díky nízké tloušťce je sklo prakticky neznatelné a nezahušťuje telefon. Bezpečná instalace a používání díky zaobleným hranám. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo: Na celém povrchu Pokrytí obrazovky: pokrývá celou obrazovku včetně zakřivení displeje Materiál: hybrid tvrzeného skla a keramiky Tloušťka: 0,3 mm Vzhled: s černým rámem Oleofobní povlak: ano Speciální vlastnosti: plný lepicí povrch, perfektní přilnavost, snadná instalace V sadě : - tvrzené sklo - vlhký hadřík - suchý hadřík

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass 9H - for Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 4G / Mi 11 Lite 5G black 100975
Skladem 4 ks

Keramické tvrzené sklo s celoplošným lepením. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku a zajišťuje dokonalou přilnavost, nezanechává prostor pro hromadění nečistot nebo prachu. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku , včetně zakřivení displeje. Lepidlo na celém povrchu zajišťuje dokonalé přilnutí k obrazovce a nezanechává vzduchové bubliny . Oleofobní vrstva /B> zajišťuje průhlednost obrazovky a odolnost proti otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Vysoký faktor tvrdosti zabraňuje poškození a činí displej odolným proti poškrábání. Díky nízké tloušťce je sklo prakticky neznatelné a nezahušťuje telefon. Bezpečná instalace a používání díky zaobleným hranám. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo: Na celém povrchu Pokrytí obrazovky: pokrývá celou obrazovku včetně zakřivení displeje Materiál: hybrid tvrzeného skla a keramiky Tloušťka: 0,3 mm Vzhled: s černým rámem Oleofobní povlak: ano Speciální vlastnosti: plný lepicí povrch, perfektní přilnavost, snadná instalace V sadě : - tvrzené sklo - vlhký hadřík - suchý hadřík

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi 10 black 446673
Skladem >5 ks

Keramické tvrzené sklo s celoplošným lepením. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku a zajišťuje dokonalou přilnavost, nezanechává prostor pro hromadění nečistot nebo prachu. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku , včetně zakřivení displeje. Lepidlo na celém povrchu zajišťuje dokonalé přilnutí k obrazovce a nezanechává vzduchové bubliny . Oleofobní vrstva /B> zajišťuje průhlednost obrazovky a odolnost proti otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Vysoký faktor tvrdosti zabraňuje poškození a činí displej odolným proti poškrábání. Díky nízké tloušťce je sklo prakticky neznatelné a nezahušťuje telefon. Bezpečná instalace a používání díky zaobleným hranám. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo: Na celém povrchu Pokrytí obrazovky: pokrývá celou obrazovku včetně zakřivení displeje Materiál: hybrid tvrzeného skla a keramiky Tloušťka: 0,3 mm Vzhled: s černým rámem Oleofobní povlak: ano Speciální vlastnosti: plný lepicí povrch, perfektní přilnavost, snadná instalace V sadě : - tvrzené sklo - vlhký hadřík - suchý hadřík

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S22/S23 black 447873
Skladem >5 ks

Keramické tvrzené sklo s celoplošným lepením. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku a zajišťuje dokonalou přilnavost, nezanechává prostor pro hromadění nečistot nebo prachu. Sklo pokrývá celou obrazovku , včetně zakřivení displeje. Lepidlo na celém povrchu zajišťuje dokonalé přilnutí k obrazovce a nezanechává vzduchové bubliny . Oleofobní vrstva /B> zajišťuje průhlednost obrazovky a odolnost proti otiskům prstů a nečistotám. Vysoký faktor tvrdosti zabraňuje poškození a činí displej odolným proti poškrábání. Díky nízké tloušťce je sklo prakticky neznatelné a nezahušťuje telefon. Bezpečná instalace a používání díky zaobleným hranám. Vlastnosti : Lepidlo: Na celém povrchu Pokrytí obrazovky: pokrývá celou obrazovku včetně zakřivení displeje Materiál: hybrid tvrzeného skla a keramiky Tloušťka: 0,3 mm Vzhled: s černým rámem Oleofobní povlak: ano Speciální vlastnosti: plný lepicí povrch, perfektní přilnavost, snadná instalace V sadě : - tvrzené sklo - vlhký hadřík - suchý hadřík

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S20 black 442596
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Huawei P30 Pro black 442610
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S20 FE black 442620
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A32 5G black 442624
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A52 5G / A52 LTE ( 4G ) / A52s 5G black. 442625
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 4G / Mi 11 Lite 5G black 445063
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy S21 FE black 446683
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro / Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G/ Note 11 pro+ 5G black 448827
Skladem >5 ks

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 / Redmi Note 11s black 520877
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi 12 / 12X / 12S black 581795
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi 12 Lite black 581796
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi 10C / 12C / 10 Power black 581801
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A03 / A04 / A04e black 581802
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Samsung Galaxy A23 5G black 583842
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi 14T / 14T Pro black 298267
do týdne

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G black 298269
Skladem >5 ks

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

5D Full Glue Ceramic Glass - for Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G black 298270
Skladem >5 ks

Ceramic tempered glass with full bonding surface. The glass covers the entire screen and ensures perfect adhesion, leaving no space for dirt or dust to accumulate. Glass covers the entire screen, including the curvature of the display. Glue on the entire surface makes it adhere perfectly to the screen leaving no air bubbles. Oleophobic coating  ensures transparency of the screen and resistance to fingerprints and dirt. High hardness factor prevents damage and makes the display scratch-resistant. Thanks to the low thickness, the glass is virtually imperceptible and does not thicken the phone. Safe to install and use thanks to rounded edges. Properties:Glue: On the entire surfaceScreen coverage: covers the entire screen including the curvature of the displayMaterial: a hybrid of tempered glass and ceramicsThickness: 0.3mmAppearance: with black frameOleophobic coating: yesSpecial properties: full bonding surface, perfect adhesion, easy to install In set:tempered glaaa- wet cloth- dry cloth

179 Kč

Roztrojka + 3x USB, 07433
do 3 dnů

Roztrojka zásuvky automobilového zapalovače 12/24 V s 3x USB konektorem, umožňuje připojení více spotřebičů k jedné standardní zásuvce zapalovače v automobilu a zároveň napájet či nabíjet USB zařízení z 12V či 24 V zásuvky automobilového zapalovače. Instalace se provede jednoduchým zasunutím roztrojky do zásuvky. USB zásuvka umožňuje napájet či nabíjet USB zařízení z 12/24V zásuvky automobilového zapalovače. Vhodné pro MP3 přehrávače, mobilní telefony a další zařízení schopné dobíjení či napájení přes USB konektor splňující specifikaci viz níže.technická data:vstupní konektorzástrčka autozapalovačenapájení12V nebo 24Vzásuvka USB3xvýstup USB5V= 3500mAzásuvka zapalovače3xmax. příkon*7,5A (90W při 12V; 180W při 24V)*platí pro všechny zásuvky dohromady

179 Kč

Case CARBON PREMIUM for XIAOMI Redmi 9C black 584310
Skladem 4 ks

The Carbon Premium case gives the best protection for your phone every day. Protects your device from drops, scratches and dust. Covered with a shiny carbon fiber texture, it gives an elegant look. Full protectionEvery smartphone needs a solid case that will protect your equipment from damage in case of unexpected falls. The reinforced corners absorb the impact force, and the protruding edges are an additional protection for the screen and camera. Non-slip silicone ensures that the phone does not fall out of your hand. Comfort of useYou can easily keep the case clean. Integrated buttons prevent dust, dirt from getting into your phone. The cover has cutouts for the phone function buttons which allows free use of the device. Inductive charging without obstaclesWith the Carbon Premium case, you can charge your smartphone without removing the case. Modern lookThe Carbon Premium case is dedidactes for everyone who value elegance and timeless design. The design carbon motif used on the Carbon Premium case makes your phone look even more attractive. Specification: Material: TPU

179 Kč

Back Case Ultra Slim 0,5mm for VIVO Y21s transparentní 581958
Skladem 3 ks

Overlays are made of a soft and flexible silicone that easily adapts to the phone model. Thanks to its extraordinary thickness of 0.5 mm does not thicken the phone and are undetectable. The cover has a special embossed on the rear panel to prevent the accumulation of water vapor and strong material protects the device against scratches and minor damage. The cap has cutouts for the phone function buttons to facilitate the free exercise of it without having to remove the case. Product Specification: Material: Silicone Thickness: 0,5 mm Colour: Transparent

179 Kč

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